Chapter 3

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Lucy, the maternity resident, helped Adira onto the exam bed; the bullet wounds were still too new and sore for Adira to function by herself. "I don't think the baby will still be alive," whispered Adira, fearing for herself and for his unborn child.

Lucy shrugged, trying to find a silver of hope for Adira. "We will cross that bridge when we get there, for now you will lie back and I will take a look." Adira didn't move as she stared at Lucy's blonde hair and smiling face. "Close your eyes," she offered. "It might help." Adira slid back into the chair and closed her eyes tightly. "Your baby is okay!" Adira decided in that moment that she hated that cheerful voice but loved the words it spoke. "It is strong and the heart beat is okay."

"Does...does it have any abnormalities?" she whispered.

"What?" questioned Lucy as she looked from the monitor to Adira. "Abnormalities? Why, should I be looking for some?"

Adira sighed, clenching her eyes closed. "I may or may not have shot up on meth when I was an undercover cop who didn't know she was pregnant."

Lucy stared at Adira with her mouth hanging open. But, Adira was saved by an unexpected someone. Webber burst into the room with Hunt hot on his heels. "Do you remember how to operate?" Questioned Webber.

Adira's eyes burst open as she glared at Webber. "What kind of question is that?" She shot back. She was met with silence. "Yes, I know how to operate!" She slowly sat up and pushed Lucy's hand away from her stomach. Adira grabbed a paper towel and wiped the cool jell off her stomach.

Hunt butted in, "I need an extra pediatric surgeon because part of a building collapsed at an elementary school, and we were told eight ambulances and they really meant twelve. The part of the building that collapsed was over two different classes of first graders and fifth graders. I need more pediatric surgeons," he repeated, "But, right now, I only have a general surgeons and fifth year residents that are crazy. So, I am going to ask you a question and I need you to answer it honestly. I am asking you if you can stand long enough to perform—"

"I can stand in place but not walk so help me up," she ordered, gesturing for him to come close. Webber stepped forward and grabbed Adira's arm and slowly helped her stand as she tried to stifle her groans of pain. She slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. "What happened? What do I need to do, Chief?"

"I'm not chief anymore; this is Chief Owen Hunt. And, I told him about how great you are. Derek and Sloan backed my stories up."

"Sloan is here?" She questioned as Webber and Hunt helped her into the elevator. "I didn't know that." Neither did her Intel and she was going to yell at them the next chance she got.

"Let's not talk about that," suggested Webber.

Adira took a few deep breathes to soothe her pumping heart. She hadn't performed a surgery since she and Derek had their falling out when she told him she was done with surgery; when she had left him standing in an OR because she was enrolling in the police academy. "What am I dealing with?" Questioned Adira as Webber handed off Adira to Hunt. Once Webber had left the elevator, Adira continued to talk, "So, my resume... I am Adira Brooklyn Xavier and I graduated from Duke University at the top of my class early and I made it to my seventh year before I left surgery for the police academy and then I became an undercover cop. I have performed many operations on the field and am a renowned surgeon." She ended her little speech with a smile.

"Well, there is a six year old with a piece of steel through the T4 vertebrae to the L2 vertebrae. Can you get it out and fix her? You once did something like this, didn't you? I don't know the details but I heard. You fixed a spinal cord?" He questioned in awe.

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