Chapter 7

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Adira laid down on her bed and leaned over the side of the bed. Her stomach contents exploded out of her mouth, not only once, not twice but three times. She laid back down and coughed. Adira was in more pain then she had ever experienced in her life. Bailey opened the door with a box of donuts in her hands but she threw them on the chair as Adira leaned over the side of the bed and vomited again. “Honey,” whispered Bailey as she flew and held back Adira’s puked stain hair. “Honey, what happened?”

“I have morning sickness but I can’t stand because my bullet wound isn’t healing, okay?” She snapped. Bailey frowned, “And, it’s James’s first day of kindergarten and he’s gonna be a year younger and that’s scary for me. And, I won’t stop puking. This is the fifth time that it’s happened this morning. I threw up twice and then thought I was fine and ate breakfast. “Now, can you help me into the shower so I can wash the puke out of the damned hair. Can you please help me get to the shower?”

Bailey nodded and put down the side of Adira’s bed. She slowly helped her sit up and then slowly helped her to the shower. Bailey turned on the shower to as hot as it could go. “I think your kids are going to be fine.”

“Derek took them school supply shopping and I don’t even know what their backpacks look like. Bailey, I’m not even driving them to school. Meredith is and then Justice is already in daycare because it is a full time job to have Derek get the three rascals ready for school.” Bailey finished shampooing and conditioning Adira’s hair and wrapped her up in a towel.

“Do you need help getting dressed or can I go change?”

“If you pull out my clothes and help me to my bed, I can manage.” Bailey smiled. “You still have thirty minutes till the rascals get here. You can do this.”

Adira sat up slowly as the door opened and Jeremiah, Joshua, James, and Derek entered with bright smiles. “What did you have for breakfast?” Was the first thing she questioned.

“We had McDonalds!” Replied James.

“Derek!” Shrieked Adira. “You promised a healthy breakfast!”

“We were late, so calm down, Mama. We had milk, pancakes and some hash browns. We had variety and we each had a fruit. I had an apple, Joshua had an orange and James had a peach. For snacks we have a bag of almond and gold fish. I made sure everyone has all their school supplies. I’ll drop off James and Joshua and I have the same teacher. Mama, we’ll be fine, you just rest up and get better.” Said Jeremiah.

“Joshua, take care of your brother because he’s way too busy taking care of you.” Adira smiled. “Let me check you all over before Derek takes you to school.”

James took the first step forward so Adira could look him over. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants with a green and white plaid shirt. His hair was in a buzz cut and his emerald eyes shown brightly. She kissed his forehead and she hugged him. “Good luck.”

Joshua and Jeremiah stepped forward next. Joshua’s hair was still in twists with his black athletic shorts and a clean white t-shirt. Jeremiah’s hair was in short dreads with a pair of white athletic shorts and a clean black t-shirt. “We love you,” they chorused together.

Derek stepped forward next and hugged Adira. “How do I look?”

“Shut up.”

“I’m going on a plane today and I will only be thinking of you. I’ll drop them off and head to the terminal.”

“I love you.” She whispered. “Take care of my baby’s.”

Adira laid back in her bed and sighed as they headed out. Her heart ached as she thought of how she wouldn't be able to drop of her kids at school or pick them up. How she was sending James's off to a teacher she didn't know. She was afarid that she was missing too much. She was so tired and she knew her morning sickness would start soon and she had a meeting with her police chief today and she was even more afarid. 

Webber walked into Adira’s room and flicked on the lights. “I need to go back in. Your wounds infected, baby girl. I need to take you back in. I’m sorry. I pushed back your meeting again. I know it’s not what you wanted but I need to make sure you’re okay.”

Owen got the call and started crying immediately. He rushed into Adira’s room. “Our people have been a crash. Lexie Grey is dead. Derek can’t move his hand. Sloan isn’t awake. I don’t know what to do.”

Tears burned down Adira’s face as she wrapped her arms around a shaking Owen. “Just keep praying,” she whispered. “Just keep praying.”

I am going to skip over the plane crash and the recovery. It was the end of season eight and the beginning of season nine. Mark Sloan dies as does Lexie Grey. Derek losses hadn funciton and Robbins loses her leg. I'm going to pick back up where Derek has full hand function, Meredith is pregnant, Bailey is married and they buy the hospital. And, the picture on the side is of James, Adira's five year old son. 

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