Chapter 9

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Hunt came into Adira’s room with a grim face. “Let’s go. You have a meeting with the police chief and I’m your doctor.”

Adira sighed. “Help me up,” she whispered. “I just hope I don’t puke on any of them. Is the one chic coming? Ryan?”

“Reilly,” he clarified. “Now come on.”

Adira stood up in a pair of leggings and an over large sweater. “How do I look?”

“Beautiful,” he offered her his arm. “Let’s go. I don’t wanna be late.”

He slowly walked up to the main conference room to met the head of the station and her detective supervisor. She took a deep breath. “I can’t do this.” Adira turned to Owen. “I can’t go in there. What if they fire me?”

He put his hands on either of her shoulders and looked her square in the eye. “You are the greatest detective out there. You can do this, baby. You can do this.” He hugged her tight. “Go kick some ass. I’ll be right behind you.”

Reilly, the new “Lucy,” sat down next to Adira. “Let’s get this meeting started. I have some patients to see. Babies to deliver.”

Mr. John Lynch, the station chief, and Mrs. Jenna Nevitt, the detective branch leader, sat across with small smiles. Lynch started talking first, “We would first like to congratulate you on your last successful case. Mr. Marcos Gonzalez will spend a long, long time in jail. He was convicted on multiple homicide, illegal substance abuse, minor abuse, minor sexual trafficking. He is going to be spending a long time in maximum security.”

Jenna took over: “And, we would like you to know what your treatment plan is?”

Reily leaned back in her chair. “I would like to keep her under supervision for the next, roughly, seven and a half months because the bullet wounds aren’t healing as planned and her baby could be in jeopardy if she moves too much. She is in extreme pain when moving and she should stay in bed as much as possible apart from her PT visits every two to three days. Her shoulder is the main concern in these PT appointments with her hips as a second focus because she needs to keep movement. I also want to keep her off most pain medications because her baby is in a fragile state because the baby will soon be pushing against the healing wounds. Hunt, I believe you can describe the surgery.”

Hunt nodded and his voice filled the air. “My patient and I have yet to talk in further detail but her wounds are not healing as they should and we, I, would recommend that I open her up again because she has a high risk of infection.”

Adira nodded as she looked back to Lynch, “What’s your plan, you know, for me?”

“Adira, you’re one of the best. We know you have a funeral to plan, kids to love and a baby to have but we would like to you to be a consult for Sam Tyson and Tammie Moon, your two other detectives.” Lynch offered.

Adira beamed, “I would love that.”

“So, effective immediately,” smiled Lilly, “You will be a sideline detective and they will confer to you via phone, facetime, and face to face.” Her phone beeped. “Meeting adjourned because a double homicide has just occurred. We will need to leave. Adira, best of luck. Get healthy and make a cute baby, please.”

Lilly and Lynch stood quickly and exited. Owen smiled as he turned to her. “That went well.”

“Surgery?” She replied. “Can I have a nap first?”

“You can sleep in surgery, please let Bailey and I fix this. I want your baby to live. God damnit, I want you to survive.”

Adira nodded, “Take me away. You owe me a malt. I want a large chocolate malt. And, I also want salt and vinegar chips. I know I have odd cravings. And, I want some fries. Like McDonalds fries.”

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