Chapter 38

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A few weeks later...

"MOM!" screamed Jeremiah at the very top of his lungs.

Adira came sprinting over from her room in a pair of loose grey shorts and a black sports bra. "Jeremiah?" she questioned in panic, her motherly instincts running in overdrive.

"Joshua!" He was still screaming loudly, "JUST THREW UP EVERYWHERE!"

"Momma," croaked Joshua from his position on the top bunk. "I don't feel so good," He threw up again, his head hanging over the railing. Jeremiah went diving for cover from his bed and got covered in Joshua's puke for a second time. "Momma," cried Joshua when he was finished. "My tummy really hurts."

Adira looked at Jeremiah, who was currently glaring daggers at his twin from the ground. She helped up Jeremiah and stripped him of his gross shirt and barely touched pajama pants. "Get in the shower. Go use my bathroom."

"Can I take a bath in your room?" questioned Jeremiah hopefully, knowing that Adira was more worried about her sick child than the fact that it was four am.

"Sure. Use soap!" she called after him as he ran off. Adira stood at the bottom of the ladder leading up to Joshua. "Hey, baby, I need you to come down so I can help you."

"I can't move, Momma. It hurts too much," he whispered as tears started to pour down his tired face.

"You need to shower. I can hold you. Come on down, okay?" He shook his head as tears poured down. "Momma, I can't move because," he whimpered, "I am afraid that I will throw up again."

"Baby, you need to come down and I am trying to be patient because you are sick, but you need to come down." He slowly climbed down to show that he was covered in puke form head to toe. Adira sighed and slowly cooed him down. "Come on, you can do it," she whispered. She helped him the last few rungs before he turned and fell against her. He leaned a little bit and threw up, sliding down Adira's leg and collapsed against the floor. "Oh, baby, what did you eat?" She picked him up and carried him to the main floor bathroom, which had a small tub. She put him it and told him to take off his clothes. She ran back upstairs and started grabbing all of the soiled cloth she could find. She chucked in a laundry basket before grabbing a new pair of pajamas for Joshua. She went back to the main floor, threw the laundry basket down the stairway to the basement, and went back to Joshua, who was lying miserably in the tub as the warm water splashed over him. She dropped his clothes next to the tub along with a fresh towel before giving him orders to go to the kitchen.

Adira went back upstairs to a crying Jedidiah. She picked him up along with Justice, who was also crying, in the next room before going back downstairs. She set Justice down on the couch, who was happy to go back to sleep on the couch as soon as Adira had thrown a blanket over her. Jedidiah was not as happy and stayed wailing in Adira's arms. She rocked him back and forth as she watched a sleepy James slowly walk down the stairs. "Momma, what is going on?" he questioned rubbing his eyes as his other hand pulled up his sliding down pajama pants.

"Joshua is sick, why don't you go back up to bed?"

"I can't sleep with all the screaming," he replied before going to the counter. "Can I have a few crackers and some milk, then I'll go back up to bed?"

She nodded, "Yes, be snappy about it, you hear me Jamison Zedekiah?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Yes, Momma?"

"Your brother is sick, and I am busy," she replied.

Adira quickly got Jedidiah to settle down before Joshua emerged from the bath tub. "Go grab me a can of Sprite and a straw. She set Jedidiah down on the couch and picked up Joshua, who was still crying.

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