Chapter 36

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There was a knock on her front door which stirred Adira from her spot on the kitchen counter clutching a mug of steaming coffee. She hopped off the counter and brought her coffee with her as she opened up the door in a flannel robe. "Hello?" she questioned, opening the door.

"Hello," replied Alex as he spun to face her.


"Yes, it is me. In the flesh. Alexander Michael Karev. Now let me in! It's raining!" He cried.

"Oh, sorry," she opened up the door all the way and Alex came rushing in. "What are you doing here?" she questioned as he started looking at the flower cases on the island. "Damnit, was I supposed to get you flowers too?"

"What are you talking about?" she answered as she hopped back up on the counter closest to the coffee machine. "Oh, I have donuts and coffee."

He hopped up onto the counter next to her and grabbed a donut. "White roses are Derrel's. He sends them to you every year. And, red roses are sexy and bold, not Owen's style, so probably butt guy. What's his name, again?"

"Matt," supplied Adira as she poured him a mug of coffee.

"Then, the lilies are Owen. Subtle, but professional. Everything about him is so damned professional."

"I went on a date yesterday night," she whispered.

The door opened and they heard the pouring rain. Derek's face came around the corner. "What did I miss?" he questioned as he set his brief case on the kitchen table. He caught sight of the flowers and pointed to Alex. "Did you get her flowers?"

"Nope! But, I think that ship has sailed."

Derek moved the donuts and hopped up on the counter. He bit into one as Adira poured him a cup of coffee. He took a sip as Alex started, "Adira went on a date yesterday night."

Derek spit his coffee all over the floor. "What?!"

Adira rolled her eyes, "I am thirty-three years old! I can make my own decisions." She took a sip of her coffee. "I may or may not have kissed the man," she whispered innocently.

Derek screamed, causing Alex and Adira to lean forward and looked at him. "What? I burned my tongue!"

They laughed, "Real manly," joked Alex.

"Tell us more," urged Derek. He bit into his donut. "Come on, quit holding out on us."

"Matt. Matt Scott. SWAT officer. He's thirty. His parents live fifteen minutes away. Lives with his two best friends currently, one of which is a fellow SWAT officer and the other is a computer engineer. He has an older brother, who is married with two kids. He loves music from the eighties and modern pop. He admits that he enjoys doing puzzles, playing video games, and walking his dog. He has a baby husky pup at the moment. They just adopted it. He wants kids and he wants to have fun. He loves the Lord, but doesn't always make it to church because SWAT life is a bit random. And, I also quit my job, and Matt also--"

"Wait," said Derek as he looked at her with wide eyes. "You quit your job?"

"I can't be away from the kids. I am not going to put myself out there and die."

"What about just like a...normal detective?" questioned Alex after grabbing another donut.

"I don't want to put myself in danger. I think I am just going to stay home with the kids. Once they are all in school, maybe I'll go back. I could start a daycare or something. I don't know. If you haven't looked around lately, I am well off. No college debt. A mansion for a home. Beautiful kids. It's missing something though."

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