Chapter 8

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Flashback when Adira was 16


Adira was out of options. She was guessing she had at least two broken ribs, the cut on her side would need at least six stitches, and she was guessing she had a concussion cause the bus driver in front of her was looking double. She gripped the bottle of vodka tighter under her jacket and knew that she needed more of it to the numb the pain. Her other hand held the mound of cash tighter in her sweatpants pocket. She stumbled off the bus and up to Derek’s house. She started knocking then fell against the door as a wave of pain rushed through her body. Derek opened the door in a pair of sweats to find Adira falling into his arms. He carried her inside bridal style and set her on top of the table after using one arm to push the full cutting board and the two glasses of wine off the table. He helped take off her jacket much to her distain as she screamed in pain. She dropped the wade of cash on the table and set the bottle of vodka next to it. After taking off her old leather jacket, she was left in a sports bra because she had torn apart her shirt for a crude wrapping on her chest; there was a lot of blood. “The guy had a razor blade, D. He broke the code rules and now I have two broken ribs and need stitches on the other side. Please help me.” She whimpered.

Adira turned her head and puked on the floor. “You said you would stop fighting,” he started as she laid down and he assessed the damage.

Her body convulsed in pain. “Momma missed the bills and she needed money,” She explained to stop his hurt gaze.

“I told you I would help!” He hissed.

Addison came wandering down stairs yelling “Derek!” at the top of his lungs. She saw them and rushed forward. She was in a pair of booty shorts and a see through tank top. She rushed forward to help. “What’s happening?”

“She has three broken ribs,” Started Derek as Adira screamed in pain as his hands carefully examined her ribcage. “She needs seven stiches on the right side of her diaphragm and there’s a nasty gash on her calf that will need about thirteen stiches. She also has a concussion but the looks of the egg on the back of her head and her right wrist on down looks in pain.”

“She needs to go to a hospital,” urged Addison.

“No!” Screamed Adira. “They will think my mom beat me and they will take me away. I can’t go to the hospital. You just fix me. I can’t go there.” She was desperate.

“I’ll set the broken ribs while you hold her down.” Addison nodded and climbed onto Adira’s hips. She pushed down her arms and held them down. She knew how bad this was gonna hurt.

Adira screamed at the top of her lungs as Derek set them: one. Two. Three. “I hate you, Derek. You don’t know how much I love you.”

“We’re moving to the stiches next. The gauze is holding it tight enough to stop the bleeding but the second we take it off, she’s going to start gushing blood. We need to do this fast. We need to do her stomach first because it has more blood.” He handed Adira back the vodka bottle. “I can’t believe I just handed a fourteen year old genius a half finish bottle of vodka.”

“I graduate in less than three months!” She exclaimed after downing a fourth of the bottle. “Derek, finish soon. It’s starting to hurt.”

“Drink faster,” urged Addison. They stitched faster and faster as Adira gulped faster and faster.

Adira finished the bottle and laid down. Derek and Addison wrapped up the stiches in gauze. “The wrist is next.” Derek and Addison were nothing but business. He knew that they needed to hurry so Adira wouldn’t need a hospital.

Grey's Anatomyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें