Chapter 10

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Adira settled into her bed and closed her eyes. She soon fell into a restless sleep as the nightmares started to take over, but nightmares wasn’t the right word. The right word was memories. They were nothing more than memories that reappeared while she slept but only when she slept alone.

Adira slowly got off the bus and shook out her right hand. She had finally mastered a right hook but her hand was bloody and her fingers jammed; but nothing was broken. She came up to her house to notice that the front door was open and she started sprinting through the living room and ran to the kitchen. Adira screamed when she saw her mother slumped on the floor with a man standing over her. There was broken glass everywhere and the man was clutching a beer bottle tightly. Upon hearing Adira screamed, he turned and chucked it at her as hard as he humanly could. Adira barely had time to raise her arm and her forearm took the full blow. The broken glass embed itself into her forearm and as the few sips of beer dribbled into the open wounds, Adira screamed again. He advanced on her and pushed her into the corner. “I will keep screaming,” she warned. She didn’t have enough fight in her to fight him back, she had used all her energy fighting. He had his way with her as Adira slowly broke. The tears kept pouring as he kept forcing himself upon her.

She opened up her lungs and screamed again and again. After police sirens whipped by he got up and went back to her mother. The man backhanded his mother and called her names till Adira stood up again. She started screaming again till he ran out the front door. Adira slid back on her clothes and crouched in front of her mother. “Mom, can you hear me?”

Her mother slowly nodded and it took a few moments for her eyes to train back on Adira. “There’s blood,” she whispered.

Adira nodded as she looked at her bleeding forearm, “I know, Mom. I’ll be okay.”

“No, on your legs.”

Adira looked down to see blood pooling between her legs on her sweatpants. “I’m gonna sweep up the broken glass and wrap up my arm, then I’ll help you. Can you just stay here for a moment?”

Her mother nodded. “Yeah,” she choked out.

Adira stood and grabbed the broom. She slowly helped her mom up and moved her to the couch after looking the front door. She ignored the pain in her arm and wrapped it up in a towel then turned back around to sweep up all the broken bottles. She looked into the fridge to find half empty bottles of liquor and some old bread. She sighed and finished cleaning the kitchen. She found some fruit on the counter and brought it to her mom. “Drink the water and eat the food. I’m going to go get some food from the store. Okay?”

“Clean yourself up first,” her mom ordered slowly.

Adira nodded then headed back into the kitchen. She took a deep breath before grabbing a bottle of vodka from the fridge. She took a deep breath before pouring it over her arm. She screamed in pain as it started to sink in to the cuts. She pushed through the pain as she took a tweezers from her mother’s make up bag and grabbed two towels. She put her arm on one of the towels and bit onto the edge of the other as her arm started to shake. Her other hand stayed surprisingly calm as she started to pick the glass pieces out of her arm.

All Adira remembered was the blood.

There was too much blood.

She woke up to the beeping of a machine and hands on her chest, ripping open her flimsy hospital gown. She tried to open her mouth but soon the cloudiness in her head pushed caused her eyes to close. That’s when she heard the nurses screaming. “ON MY COUNT! 1! 2! 3! CLEAR!”

Adira was so tired when she woke up to a raspy whisper. It took her awhile to slowly raise her head and her eyes trained on the hospital bed a foot away. “Don’t leave me, baby. Don’t leave me.”

It was her mother. Adira slowly tried to sit up as she shook, but settled for raising her head to see her. “I’m so sorry, baby girl. I am so sorry.”

Adira’s throat opened but it took her a few tries to make words come out. “Don’t cry for me.”

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