Chapter 31

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Adira ran.

Her legs carrying her as she flew through people. She ended up collapsing on the cold tile of the locker room floor. She pressed her head against it, not carrying about cleanliness. The cooling effect calmed her down slowly as she took breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth.

Owen watched her bolt. He counted to ten in her head then followed her trail of surprised people, dropped papers and echoing stilettos. He stopped in front of the womens locker room momentarily before pushing it open. Adira was in a pile on the floor, face pressed against the ground. "Get up," he ordered as he leaned over her. "Don't pretend like you didn't hear me. Get up, solider."

There was just enough movement so Adira could glare up at him. "Leave me...alone," she breathed.

His voice was stern. "Get your damned ass off the floor!" he hollered.

Adira sat up slowly as if her bones would break if she moved too fast. "Or what?" she hissed. "My heart was already torn out and shredded to pieces today!"

He crouched down in front of her. "I will drag you out of her with or without your permission. I am not afraid to throw you over my shoulder and walk out of here. Do you hear me?" Adira begrudgingly stood. On their way out Hunt grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser. He tossed it over his shoulder. "Wipe off your make up," he ordered, not stopping for her.

She furiously wiped at her make up and disposed of the almost black paper towel in the garbage. "Follow me," he ordered under his breath. Adira looked him up and down: semi fitted jeans, black dress shoes, and a gray collar that poked out over his leather jacket. "Get in," he ordered as he hauled himself up into his truck.

Adira followed orders. Just like Hunt knew she would, eventually. He didn't even bother with the radio. She was fuming, in silence.

He pulled into a parking lot and opened the door. He hauled her out of the car and lifted her over his shoulder. She struggled a bit but his iron grip held her tight. He dragged her downstairs and dropped her. "Take off your shoes. And shirt," he ordered. She just glared but he threatened her right back with his. She complied with the shoes but hesitated on the shirt. "You have a tank top on," he rolled his eyes. "Temptress, I don't have all day." In reality, he did. All night too, but she didn't know that. He had also heard Daniel call her Temptress.

Upon using it, her eyes threw daggers at him. He shrugged off his coat, throwing it at the couch. "What did you just call me?" She hissed, voice void of all emotion, except anger, it sliced the air and Owen smirked. "Oh, this rich. You're smirking like the Devil you are and I am in the middle of a mental breakdow--"

"Jezebel, was it?"

"Now that was just rude," she yelled as she threw her tanktop to the side.

"Calm down," he started as he walked back to a table, hidden from her site.


He shrugged as he returned, tossing her a pair of boxing gloves. "Calm down and hit me." He tossed his button up aside before ducking between the strings of the boxing ring. "Just hit me."

"You have no idea what you just got yourself into," she laughed as she slipped into the ring. She transformed; drawing her anger on like a weapon.

And, he didn't.


Adira was faster, but Owen was stronger. Adira was well trained, but Owen was breed military. She was precise and quick where Owen was slopply and slow, but even if Adira threw her whole weight into it, it didn't hurt like one of Owen's did. They were wrestling, punching, kicking - the works; it had gonr far past boxing. Owen finally got her trapped against his chest. She continued to pepper him with uppercuts but he felt her slowly loss control. The space between blows grew longer and her shoulders lost their perfect posture. She sagged against him. "Owen," she whimpered against his sweaty chest. "Owen," she repeated over and over.

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