Chapter 46

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"Okay, so there is Joshua, Jeremiah, the oldest twins, then there is James, then Justice," started Adira.

"Who is full of so much sass," added Matt as he drove them home.

"So much sass," agreed Adira. "She does this thing where she only wears one color. Just make sure you tell her she looks beautiful. She loves flattery. Then, the last is Jedidiah."

"He will jump on you within two minutes of meeting you," interrupted Matt.

Adira leaned towards the back seat, "They are hilarious and lots of fun, but also require lots of energy. They think they are the greatest things in the world so just humor them, laugh at their jokes, and tell them they are amazing. Okay?"

"Okay," he laughed.

"So," she started as she exited the car, "We do this thing in our house where we do question and answer sessions with new people. Let's go in through the garage," Matt held open the door for Tracey and Adira.

"Mom!" hollered Jedidiah as he came running towards them, after escaping the clutches of Alex. Jedidiah veered course when he say Tracey. "Ohh! Someone new!" he cheered before jumping and throwing himself to Tracey.

Tracey dropped his bag, catching the strap with his right foot as he simultaneity caught Jedidiah. "And, that is Jedidiah," started Matt.

"Who are you?" questioned Jedidiah as he gently grabbed a fist full of Tracey's long, black hair. "How is your hair so long? Are you an adult?" Jedidiah slapped his hands against Tracey's chest. "Wait, do you have a name?"

"My name is Tracey," he replied as he shifted Jedidiah to one arm and grabbed his basketball with the other, carefully setting it down on a nearby chair.

"Question and answer session, starting now!" cheered Matt as all their kids came running over with Alex close behind.

Justice raised her hand, "How old are you? And what is your full name?"

"My name is Tracey Martin Kendall. And, I am seventeen years old." He pointed at James.

"My name is James. Do you have any siblings? Where do you go to school?"

"Ah, I go to this place called St. Vincent's. It is what is called an art school. I like to paint. I have two siblings, they are twins, like your brother's and their names are Adeline and Madeline. They are...eight now, I haven't seen 'em for a while. Life gets busy, you know what I mean." He pointed at Joshua.

"What do you like to do?"

"Skateboard, paint, skateboard, and I love movies. Lots of movies. I like old movies and new movies. I just really like movies. And, let's see, other facts about me. I really like orange juice. Like, if I get to choose what I drink, it is always, without a doubt, orange juice. For breakfast every morning, I like cereal. I could eat cereal anytime of the day, no matter how hungry or not hungry I am, you know what I mean? It's just one of those things. I also dislike microwave popcorn. Despise it, actually. I am allergic to green vegetables."

"Really?" shouted Justice. "My mom doesn't believe me when I say that!"

"I am only actually allergic to kale and green peppers. I can have red and orange peppers and lettuce, but kale is a no go. I get these things called hives, which is a bummer, but I have this cool pen the doctors gave me to make me feel better if that happens."

"Okay!" decided Adira. "So, I think that it is bed time!"

"But, Alex is still here!" whined Jedidiah.

"No whining," shot back Matt.

"How about a movie?" suggested Joshua.

"No, bed time," she replied.

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