Chapter 11

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Today was the day. Adira got up with Bailey and Meredith’s help and got dressed in a pair of black leggings, a long sleeve knit black dress, black boots and a black scarf. Meredith did her make up in all black and Bailey braided her long hair back and pinned up. Derek arrived at her room with her best friend Kim and the kids. Jeremiah, Joshua, and James were all in black pants, a white shirt, and a black suit jacket whereas Justice was in a black dress and a black leggings.

Derek helped Adira from the wheelchair to his car and helped the kids get in the back and into their car seats. The car ride was silent on the way to their church.

They were greeted by Adira husband’s family. His father, James Xavier, helped Adira out of the car and his mother, Candy, helped Derek get the kids out of the car. Adira's husband's two sisters and five brothers met them inside. Derrel’s sisters surrounded Adira the second she stepped foot into the church. Autumn and Summer held her tightly as the tears started to fall. Matthew, James Jr, Tyrrell, Darren, and Kamern waited their turn and hugged Adira separately. When Adira got to Derrel's twin, Tyrell, she completely broke down in his arms. He supported her and helped her down into one of the chairs. He crouched in front of her. "Baby girl, it's going to be okay. We're here," he whispered.

"Its so hard. I miss him," her lower lip quivered.

"Me too, baby girl. Me too." He hugged her tightly.


The visitation was set to go from 2 pm till 6 pm, but it was almost 8 pm and people were still pouring in. Adira spotted the hospital staff walking in. Meredith was looking frazzled as she was putting up her hair with Yang behind her tugging on her right shoe, who was holding onto Hunt, who was tying his tie, and behind him was Jo, who was working on scrubbing something off of Alex's face with her thumb while he picked stuff out of her hair. Bailey and Webber brought up the rear like the mother and father trying to control their messy children.

Meredith got to Adira first, who was at the end of the long line of the Xavier family. "Oh, sweetie," she whispered as she cuddled Adira close. "I'm sure you've heard all the words. Drinks on me tomorrow night."

Christina laughed and gently pushed Meredith out of the way. "She pregnant, idiot. We'll drink and you can rant with us. Dinners on us tomorrow."

They stepped aside to make room for Hunt as they moved on to the casket. Hunt stood in front of her. She snuggled into his chest. He didn't even have to speak. She sobbed into his chest and he hugged her tightly. "I am sick and tired of their pity. It hurts so much already and then you throw their pity and sadness on me. Its horrible, Owen. Its horrible."

"Its a mistake to confuse pity with love," he replied. "These people love you and want to support you. They want to help you and this is how they show their love. They are expressing it in being sorry for you. That's how it works. They love you." Adira stepped back and nodded. He cupped her chin and his thumb swept across her face. "I love you," he mouthed and walked to the casket.

Alex and Jo stepped up together. Alex scratched the back of his neck and squeezed Jo's hand. "It sucks, doesn't it?" Alex started. Jo hit his chest.


Adra smirked. "You were always one with words, Alex." He hugged her and then Jo did.

Alex took a step away then turned around and one arm hugged Adira. He pressed a kiss to her hair. "Stay strong, A. And, if you can't, I'll be strong enough for the both of us."

Adira felt a whole new round of tears appear as Webber and Bailey stepped up. "I see you got all the children here on time," chuckled Adira.

Bailey laughed. "When I did a head count in the van I was missing one but Daddy said he was already here. I don't know who told him he could drive himself!"

Webber hugged Adira and then Bailey did. Bailey stayed after Webber left. "Hey, Adira, sweetie. You holding in there?"

"I'm holding in there," she replied with a few tears. "I'm holding in there and then I think of the fact that I have to go through this all again tomorrow for the funeral."

"I'll be there in any way I can. I promise."


Adira and the Xavier family sat around the large dinner table piled high with pizza. Adira's children, along with Autumn's, James Jr's, Tyrell's, and Summer's were being taken care of by Candy's three sisters for the night. They held hands and James Xavier prayed. They ate in silence for a moment before he cleared his mouth. "I remember the first time he brought you home."

"He was so nervous, it was the most precious thing," interjected Candy.

"He lectured us on manners," added Matthew, the oldest Xavier child.

James Jr, the youngest, smiled to himself as he looked into his glass of white wine. "He gave me a lecture on how inappropriate comments were not to be said or even uttered under my breath."

"He gave me like a word count. He told me not to talk too much," laughed Summer.

A tear rolled down Autumn's cheek: "He told me that no boys were allowed. No boyfriends."

"Or girlfriends," added Darren. "That was a major no go."

"I missed practice for that dinner. Coach was beyond ticked. Ran everyday for the next week and couldn't start the next game," laughed Kamern.

Tyrell sighed. "He wouldn't shut about you. My Lord was that rascal head over heels for you."

And, so in did the memories flow over the next two hours. After a stretch of silence Candy spoke. "Do you really have to go back to the hospital? There's an extra bed here."

Adira sighed. "I really do. I need to be monitored and I need my wound cleaned. I also need some pain meds." She nodded.

Candy cleared her throat. "Tyrell, please bring her back to the hospital. It's getting late. I expect you all at the funeral by ten."


Meredith met Derek as he walked out of surgery. She kissed him as they walked back to the staff lounge. "It's been a long day," sighed Derek.

Meredith agreed. "I'm exhausted. Take me home. Our children are already asleep and I can't wait to join them."

Derek changed then grabbed his wife's hand. They headed out of the hospital. Meredith and Derek passed by Adira's room on the way. Meredith sighed and looked at her husband. She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, Meredith."

"Now go be with your baby girl. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll leave a change of clothes in your locker along with your suit for the funeral. Make sure she's okay."

"You sure?" He questioned before kissing her.

"I'm sure," she replied without missing a beat. "Right now you needs you more than I need you. She needs you to be her friend and all be okay without my husband for the next twenty four hours."

"I really do love you," he replied.

Derek entered Adira's dark room to find Adira lying on the bed in a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top; her baby belly was really starting to show. She was starting at the wall blankly. Her eyes slowly rolled to him as he took off his shoes. He crawled into her bed and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm out of tears," she whispered. "I've been bled dry. I'm numb."

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