Chapter 45

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Adira had Jedidiah holding onto her neck as she swam around the pool with Justice with life jacket and James was repeatedly jumping off the diving board, splashing Adira and Jedidiah with his cannon balls. "Time to get out of the pool!" called a voice as the front door opened.

The twins and Matt appeared with Matt holding three pizzas. "Matt got us pizza!" cheered James. 

"Oh," said Adira as she swam to the side of the pool. "I had chicken nuggets in the oven for salad wraps."

"I can go take them out?" he offered as Adira bit the side of her lip. "I should have asked first. I am sorry," he added as he set down the pizzas and went to Adira, dropping for a kiss and pulling Jedidiah off her back. "What should I do, baby?"

"They have been in too long to take out. Can you grab me a towel? We'll just cook them and heat them up tomorrow, I guess. James, please dry off! Joshua, we're going to eat outside so please go get plates, glasses, and the milk. Matt, you chop up carrots and some peppers."

"Justice, princess, time to get out of the pool," added Matt as he dropped a hand to Adira, easily pulling her out of the pool.

"Daddy," she shot back. "But, I am mermaid and we can't leave the water!"

He pulled off his shirt, leaving him in a pair of athletic shorts. He dove in, splashing Adira in the process, and grabbed Justice. "What did I say about talking back?" he whispered. 

She hung her head, "That I am not supposed to do it. But, I want to stay in the water!" She splashed him. 

"You will get in trouble if you keep up that attitude," he replied, catching her kicking feet. "I am serious, Justice. Time to get out of the pool."

"No!" she screamed, trying to get away. 

"Justice Adira, get out of the pool or you will not be allowed to be in the water for two weeks!" 

"Mom," screamed Justice. 

"I would listen to your father!" she called back as she poured everyone milk. 

Adira tuned them out as she continued to talk to Jeremiah and Joshua about practice. "You have about three seconds till I spank you!" 

Adira whirled around, "Matthew!"

"Daddy!" screamed Justice at the same time. 

"What?" he cried. 

"Justice, get out of the pool or I will take tv away for a whole week, do you hear me?"

Justice complied and went running to her towel. "Matt, kitchen, now," called Adira. Matt got out of the pool and caught the towel that James tossed to him. 

"Daddy is in tru-tru-oble!" chuckled Joshua as he helped all the kids get pizza. 

Adira was slightly fuming as Matt came in, drying off his hair with the beach towel. "Yes, beautiful wife?"

"Nuh-uh. You are in major trouble. First, why did you pick up pizza? You are no longer a bachelor! You live in a home. A real home where we eat dinner together every night and we do family activities together. We also do not spank in this household. At least not Justice, not yet. Jeremiah was spanked once, when he was three, for swearing repeatedly. And, that was the end of that madness. And, no pool for two weeks? She is three years old. What are you thinking? And, outdoor activities are the last things you take away. You always start with electronics first, unless its James, then you take his books away. But, you never take away outdoor activities, do you hear me?"

"Yes, baby, I hear you, and I also hear your hungry stomach. Let's eat!"

"This discussion is not over. We have a lot of stuff we need to talk about." 

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