Chapter 5

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Adira slowly awoke to a stabbing pain in her side and she pressed the nurse call button. Meredith walked in, “Okay, I’m going to lay back your bed so I can check your incision site.” Adira laid back with the bed and allowed her gown to get pulled up so Meredith could check it. “Now, it is red but it looks okay. I can call Bailey—”

“I was a world class surgeon, I know what’s wrong. The nurse didn’t give me my last dose of pain meds and it just hurts… Do you and Derek have any kids?”

The smile across Meredith’s face caused Adira to smile through her pain. “Her name is Zola and she is the cutest thing ever. She was adopted a couple of weeks ago and she is literally the cutest thing ever.”

“You said the cutest thing ever twice in one sentence. I did that too. Especially when my twins were born.” Adira let Meredith fully exam her as she continued to talk. “Jeremiah is seven and was born three minutes before Joshua. Jeremiah means the exaltations of the Lord and Joshua means deliverer. Then, along came Jamison, the son of James, who is now five years old. My husband’s father was named James. Then, along came Justice who is now ten months. Actually, ten months tomorrow. And, Justice means righteous and lawful. They are very black just like their father is. Ah, was."

“They sound cute,” replied Meredith. “Very cute.”

“Derek is the godfather for all of them, I don’t know if he told you that. He knows Jeremiah and Joshua really well and James really likes him. And, he hasn’t met Justice yet because I was undercover. It was hard for the both of us. He met her this week, actually. When I came here."

 “I would like to meet your kids sometime.” Suggested Meredith.

 “I would like that,” replied Adira quietly. “They are the cutest thing,” she added with a small smile as Meredith helped her sit up. “I think that Derek is bringing them sometime today. I’ll make sure the knuckle head pages you.”

 Meredith smiled, “He is a knuckle head, isn’t he?”

 “Derek is a dork—”

 “Who’s a dork?” Questioned Derek with a smile as he brought in Adira’s kid.

 “You’re a dork,” They both retorted as Jeremiah and Joshua rushed to Adira.

 “Be careful with Momma!” Hollered Derek after the boys. “We talked about this in a car.”

 But, it was too late. Joshua and Jeremiah snuggled into their mother with happy smiles and James struggled to get up on the bed. Joshua crawled to the end of the bed and grabbed James’s arm and pulled him onto the bed. “You got it, Jay.” He encouraged quietly as James’s kicked his legs to get onto the bed. James wasn’t very strong since he had two broken arms from football a few months ago.

 Derek brought Justice over to Adira and then returned to his wife, putting his arm tightly around her. “Momma needs to redo your dreads, doesn’t she?” Questioned Adira to James.

 “They’re so long,” he commented. “I think someone else could do them because Uncle Derek said your shoulder is gonna be in pain for a long time. So, I think they can wait.” He smiled.

 Justice cooed and smiled up at Adira. “Jeremiah and Joshua, how is football going?”

 “Josh broke a kid’s arm yesterday!” Exclaimed Jeremiah.

 “I just hit a kid really, really hard,” explained Joshua. “And I apologized right away and called his momma and talked to him after he got the cast.”

 “Good job,” commented Adira as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’m sure you did good. Thank you for saying sorry, that was a good plan.”

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