Chapter 20

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Picture is of Makenna.

Adira sat in the stands with Jedidiah sitting on her lap, James to her right, and Justice's three year old self was sitting in front of her, happily absorbed in her thirty minutes of iPad time. Adira tapped James's arm, "Baby, the game is about to start, time to put your book away. The twins are starting so you best pay attention!"

Adira watched as Jeremiah won the tip off and Josh snapped up the ball, immediately sprinting directly to hoop. He saw his brother and quickly released the ball to him with Jeremiah finishing the basketball quickly. Before Adira could open her mouth to cheer, a deep voice beat her to it: "GOOD PASS JC AND GOOD FINIDH JD!" Adira turned to see Alex, followed in by Owen and Amelia Shepherd.

Alex stooped to kiss her cheek before swinging Jedidiah off her lap. He started squealing in glee as Alex threw him up in the air and caught him a few times. Jedidiah was only sixteen months but looked as if he was over one. He was a large baby with big shoulders and some long legs. Owen sat behind Adira so she could lean back against him and Amelia sat by his side. James looked back at Owen, smiled, and crawled up and onto his lap. He smiled and talked quietly to James for a few moments as Adira and Alex continued to cheer loudly. "Wow, they are good, how old are they? Ten?"

Adira shook her head, never taking her eyes off the game. "They are only nine. This is a twelves' team though. They take after their father, he was always the tallest."

Alex bumped his shoulder into hers, "Quit being so modest!" He turned to Amelia. "They bleed basketball. Adira was a D1 recruit at sixteen. She is amazing at basketball, don't let her tell you any different."

Adira smiled, opened her mouth to say something, but paused then screamed: "OH, come on! That wasn't even close to a foul!"

Alex laughed at Adira. "Oh, calm down. They're winning 20-12."

Adira sighed, "Old habits die hard."

Amelia agreed whole heartedly then her pager started to beep, as did Hunts. "Duty calls." he said.

"Wait!" ordered Adira. "I promised them I would take a selfie with anyone who came to prove you were actually here."

Owen laughed and smiled for the camera anyways. "Adira, I need to talk to you quick." She raised an eyebrow but nodded, following him up to the concession stand where he bought two bags of m&ms. "For the kids," he said.

"We both know you didn't drag me away from a game to buy me m&ms."

"I wouldn't dream of that. I need a favor. Like under the table." He pulled out a name from his pocket. "Can you look into this name for me?"

"Of course." He drew her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Adira. Are we still on for the barbeque this weekend?"

"Yes. I'll buy, you grill. Will you be bringing your girlfriend?"

Owen laughed. "I do not have a girlfriend."

"Nope, just someone who follows you around to your game nephews games and holds your hand and kisses you. I see. I see."

"What about you? Any attractive men--" He stopped, his pager beeping loudly.

Amelia came running up, her high heels beating harshly against the ground. "Sorry to break up your heart to heart, but the page is 911. We need to go."

Adira was saved by the pager, once again.


Owen rushed in, followed by Amelia, to trauma room 1 where Meredith was running things with an iron fist, not taking anything from her interns. Leah and Stephanie were both working with her at the moment. He heard her screaming "CODE BLUE!" before he was even inside of the trauma room.

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