Chapter 41

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Picture is of Renee

Renee sat on the hospital bed looking at Adira as Owen walked in, holding a clipboard. Adira looked at Owen, at Renee, and then took a step towards Renee. The look on Owen's face caused Adira to grab Renee's hand and she gripped it tight. "You have an extremely high fever and an elevated white count," he took a deep breath and held Adira's eyes, not Renee's. "Renee, you require an immediate high-risk surgery to remove the remaining tissue that was left during the previous procedure to remove your baby. We need a guardian's permission and I looked into your forms; Adira, we need your permission."

"Me?" questioned Adira.

"Yes," replied Owen, "And, it needs to happen now."

"Only if you go in the OR. And, I get to be there the whole the time."

"Adira," started Owen.

"I am with her!" piped up Renee, "And, this is my body that we, I mean you, are talking about. I am right here! And, the only way I am doing this is if Adira is there. I need her—"

She was interrupted as there was yelling in the OR; low, growling, and menacing. "Renee! Renee!"

"Oh hell no!" hissed Adira as she grabbed her purse and stalked out of the room. She located the screaming boy and Adira was furious. "I told you!" she yelled, walking towards her. "To stay away!"

"This isn't your porch," he retorted, "You have no legal right to kick me out."

Owen grabbed Adira's arm, "Stop yelling," he ordered under his breath.

She ripped her arm away and glared at him. "Do not touch me," she hissed and marched towards Jarred. "You are not supposed to be here! I told you if I ever saw you again, all hell would break loose!"

Owen's grip came back to her bicep, "Back off. This is the last time I am going to say it!"

"Jarred, get the hell out of this hospital!"

"You don't own it, you can't tell me to do anything!"

"But, I do!" said Meredith as she stepped out of an adjacent room. "And, you should get the hell out of my hospital."

Jarred went running as Adira turned to Hunt. "Get your hands off me!"

"Adira, you need to calm down," he said through steeled teeth.

"Let go of me!" she demanded, easily twisting her arm free and before she knew what she was doing, she back handed him. His hands flew to his right cheek and eye, slightly bending at the waist as he held his jaw with both hands. "Do not touch me. Do not look at me. Do not come near me."

She stalked off and Mer grabbed Owen's arm. "Let her go. You need to let her go."

Adira found a stairwell she knew all too well. She heard heels against the ground and looked up to see Mer standing there. She dropped a small bag of ice into Adira's lap. "For your hand."

"Thanks," muttered Adira.

"You shouldn't have slapped him," commented Mer as she sat beside Adira.

"He had it coming."

"They all have it coming, but that doesn't mean that you get to go around slapping You know that."

"I know," Adira whispered. She rested her head against Mer's shoulder. "Where did I go wrong?" Mer didn't say anything, just waited. "I lost a friend."

"You and Owen were good for each other."

"We burned so bright, I think we burnt out too fast. He was fire and I was gasoline. I couldn't hide, Mer. I couldn't be angry any longer. I gave up. I couldn't handle hiding in the shadows, sneaking around or pretending that things were alright when they weren't. That is not the life I envisioned for myself nor will it ever be."

"Why didn't you play in the WNBA?" questioned Mer.

"That was random," whispered Adira. She sighed and sat up, pressing the ice harder against the back of her hand. "It was never a dream or at least a dream I never wanted. Everyone always wanted me to do that and I was still into surgery then. I was going to be the forth draft pick out of college. It was all lined up. Los Angeles Sparks. It would have worked out but I didn't want that life." She looked at her hand, "I never told anyone this, not even your husband, but I had to get a physican's approval before going in for the draft, the two weeks before. He told me," she choked, "That my body wouldn't be able to take it for very long. He gave me a year and that was it. He said he would sign off on my papers, but if I wanted kids and not be in a wheelchair by the time I was thirty, that I shouldn't do it. He told me he wouldn't tell anyone, if I didn't want him to, so I walked away. I walked away from that life and I love the life I live. My kids don't know it, but those mornings when I get downstairs late, it is because," her voice drop. "I can't move. My arms. My legs. All my joints, they are stiff and they don't bend right or there is searing pain in the surrounding muscles."

"You shouldn't have slapped him." Mer stood and started to walk away. "You said no to that life for a better one. Say no to Owen for a better man. Get on with your life and marry the man you love. I don't know which one that is, but marry that one."

Adira sighed and stood. She found her way back to Renee, who was shaking in a hospital gown. "They are...they are...they are taking me up in five minutes," whispered Renee.

"I am so sorry; I am here now. I am not going anywhere."

"Okay, please don't go because I am afraid," she admitted.

"I will be there every step of the way," Adira held her Renee's hand and looked out the door way, watching a nurse come in.

"Where is Owen?" whispered Adira. "He is the best in the business and why are you here?"

"He is meeting us in the OR. He had...had something come up," stated the nurse. "Renee, my name is Kam and I will escort you up to the OR."

"I love you," whispered Adira. Renee's head whipped towards Adira. "I love you and I will be waiting for you when you're done."

Renee took a shaking breath, "I love you too, Mother."

The next thing Adira knew, she was pacing in the OR viewing area, watching as Bailey and Owen worked on Renee. That's when the beeping started and it never stopped. It didn't stop for minutes on end. Adira sunk to her knees, face up against the glass, and hands pounding the glass. "No!" she screamed. Adira screamed over and over again till her throat was raw.

Alex came running in and collapsed next to Adira, wrapping his arms around her. "Baby," he cooed. "Oh no, Adira, I am so sorry."

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