Chapter 2

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Adira's eyes slowly blinked open to find herself snuggled and smushed into Derek's side on the hospital bed. He was fast asleep with his arms locked tight around her. She heard arguing voices outside the door. Adira could easily pick out Bailey's voice, one she had heard many times before, "Meredith, you cannot go in there!"

"That's my husband!" A voice, Adira assumed it was this Meredith's, shot right back at Bailey.

"Don't test me," warned Bailey, voice low.

Adira woke up Derek and his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Hey, Adira," he whispered as he kissed her forehead. "After you evened out, we took you into surgery and got the two bullets out from your gut and the found bits of another bullet in your shoulder but no bullet. You've been out for a couple of days. And, don't worry," he joked, "I didn't let them mess up your tattoo."

Adira smirked before the weight of his words settled onto her. "Those two outside are screaming about you," She opted for a subject change. "You might wanna go out there."

He returned her smirk, "They call McDreamy." He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Adira smiled as he sat up. "I have a question," she bit her bottom lip, not sure if she was able to ask it. "Did you break up with Addie?"

Derek stood, helping Adira sit up as she groaned in pain. "Yes," he paused trying to gauge Adira's reaction. "I'm married to Meredith now."

"I didn't know you were in Seattle," she whispered softly. That was only a half lie—Adira had always kept tabs on Derek, not just their monthly Skype calls but his location. They never talked about where they were, because Adira couldn't always say where she was.

Derek bent down and fixed her covers, trying to busy himself. "Yeah, I didn't know you were either. And, your friend, Kim, came and took the kids home with her and she said she took all the breast milk from the fridge so she, ah, would need more soon. I better get back to work before they send another nurse after me. I'll make sure you get something good for breakfast."

Adira nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. "I take it the baby didn't make it?" she choked on her own words.

Derek whipped his head around from his place in the doorway. "You were pregnant?!" His face and voice expressed his immense shock.

Adira nodded slowly as her hand felt her bullet wounds. "They didn't hit my ovaries or uterus, so I thought I might be okay and I took only a little meth and I knew that could maybe kill the baby, but, but I didn't know about the baby then. I just found out about it when I didn't get my period." Derek went through Adira's procedure in his head—they hadn't used anything harmful to the baby but he was afraid what the meth had done to her baby.

Derek sat back down on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "I don't know but if I had to guess, then no. How along were you?"

"A few weeks? Like maybe three." Her voice shook into a question as he hugged her tighter.

"Derek!" screamed the two outside voices at once.

Derek didn't move as his wife burst in or as Bailey wrapped her arms around Adira and they surrounded her.


"Mass trauma, two minutes out. Building collapsed at an elementary school," yelled Hunt as they stood outside the hospital. "We have at least eight ambulances on the way."

"All hands on deck," whispered Webber. "All hands."

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