Chapter 19

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Adira dropped off the set of keys at Candy's house and then headed to the hospital. She went up to Hunt's office to find him talking to Derek. "Just to the two men I wanted to see!" She handed Owen a file folder. "There are a few things that need to be signed in there. They are highlighted and flagged with post it notes. Please sign them and give them to the officer posted in room A317." He nodded and she turned to Derek. She handed him her purse, including her phone and wallet, and all of her keys. "You know where everything is, don't you?" He nodded.

"What's going on, am I missing something?" questioned Hunt.

"She's going under for 48 hours," replied Derek.

"Only for 48," she confirmed. She leaned over and grabbed her loaded gun out of her purse and tucked it into her black combat boot. Owen looked her up and down, she looked hot: a pair of black combat boots, black leggings, a sheer white lace crop top, and a black and white flannel thrown over the top. Her hair was braided up into a high bun with thick makeup. He stood and hugged her.

"Well, I will see you soon?" He phrased it as a question.

"That's the plan." She replied and quickly released herself from his arms. She leant down and gave Derek a quick kiss on the cheek, but he grabbed her hand and kept her there for a minute. Hunt watched with a raised eyebrow as Derek whispered intently to her for a few seconds. She nodded curtly then walked out of the room.

Derek's words echoed inside of Adira's head as she went outside and waited for the sirens. They soon came and arrested her, as planned, all the while, Derek's voice played over and over in her head, like it was on repeat: Before you come back home, make sure you're ready to come home. All there."


Adira was released on the other side of town, almost an hour away from the life she lived. She took a deep breath and composed herself. Well at the police station she had been given a slight make over, to match the profile she had been in the last time she was on the street. She had put back in her nose ring, a fake lip piercing, and filled in all of the piercings in her ear. She had also gotten her belly button pierced and was given a new cell phone and a large wad of cash. Adira headed straight to club No Gravity, knowing she would find many of her people there. And, she was right.

She went to the bar and was recognized almost immediately. "Alice?" questioned the bar tender, Andrew. He made her a drink and leaned on the bar in front of her. "Rumor has it you were out of the game. When was the last time you came back around here?"

"Years," she replied.

"Well, baby, you look good. Not a day over twenty one." She smiled at him. "Now," he lowered his voice. "Whatcha really doing here? Do they know you're here? I thought they said you weren't coming back. They said you had moved on."

She shook her head and downed the drink, frowning at the sugary taste. "Just here for information. I have moved on, to bigger and better things. I have kids now. A family. Who's the new gang in town?"

"Almas Perdidas."

"The lost souls," she whispered.

"That's all I know, Alice. I swear. They haven't come here yet. I hope they don't. I am happy where I am at."

"Thank you," she replied, leaving a twenty on the counter. He snatched it right up. "Goodnight," she whispered, leaving her stool.


Adira waited on the counter of Grand and Lilly, hoping her informants would start showing up soon. Then, a car stopped in front of her, a black hummer, to be exact. The window rolled down and a man with pale white skin looked at her. He tried to smile at Adira, but with so many missing teeth the effect was gruesome. "You haven't hit me up in a while. No new cases?"

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