Chapter 12

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Adira had a stack of papers from the latest homicide and her laptop on her lap when Derek walked in. He collapsed in the chair facing her bed and his fingers immediately started rubbing his temples. "What's wrong?" Questioned Adira as she looked from her computer and pulled out her headphones.

"Why do you always assume something is wrong?!" Derek shot right back.

"Hey now," she warned as she closed her laptop. "You are not mad at me so do not take your anger out on me and snap at me like that." He sighed. "Now, tell me what happened."

"Meredieth had I are fighting because I told her I could reduce my hours and focus on my project and take care of the kids so she would work longer hours for her project and the President wants me to move forward on the project but I have the kids and there's just not enough time!"

"You'll figure it out, D. You always do. It may involve some compromise but you love her."

"Why'd I have to marry a genius?" He muttered under his breath.

"Because she's probably the best thing that ever happened to you," guessed Adira.

"What about you? Why don't I just marry you?" Derek asked as he pulled the chair closer to her bed so he could prop his fee up. "That would solve both our problems." Adira couldn't tell if he was kidding or not. "Your kids could have a father and I would have a wife I'd love. Win-win, Adira. Win-win." He dropped his head and stared at his lap.

Adira didn't have a response to that at first. She moved her laptop and papers to the bed side table and sat up slowly and put two fingers under his chin and raised it. He's eyes were watery and Adira felt the tears building up behind her eyes. She needed to be strong enough for the both of them right now. "Derek, you don't want me. That's not how it works. I would come from work and you would ask me how my day was and I'd have to lie and say it was okay, fine even. Say I was stuck behind a desk. And, you would have to nod and not ask any questions because I couldn't answer. I would go undercover for months at a time, and baby, trust me, that's not what you want. You want a wife you can see on the daily and someone who's proper enough, elegant enough. I'm covered in tattoos and scars that aren't meant for the rich life, baby. I'm not like you--"

"We're more alike then you think, Adira." He looked down at his limp hands then back up with a sad burning deep in his eyes. "I play God with a scalpel on a operating table and you play God with a gun on the streets."

"Those worlds were never supposed to collide." She whispered as she lent her forehead against his.

All of a sudden Derek started to notice the pant in her words, the sweat rolling down her face, how tight she was squeezing his hand, and how her legs were twitching under the thin blanket. Then, that's when he saw the puddle on the blanket. "Your water broke," he mummered in awe.

"Yeah, I was trying not to interrupt our heart to heart but, Derek, these babies our coming now"


Derek had called in the best in the business for Adira, which meant calling in his ex wife, Addison. Derek entered Adira's room with Addison trailing behind. "Lets have this baby," said Addison as Adira leaned forward and Derek climbed on the bed behind her. She settled back against him. Alex jogged in to help Addison.

Addison's heart squeezed as her best friend hissed in pain. "This must be the fifth?" Questioned Addison as she sat down. "You're dilated all the way I see. Looks like I got here just in time. Let's do this. When I say push--"

"I push," Finished Adira with a small smile. "This is the fifth time we've done this together." She looked quickly at Derek, "I'm sorry if I break your hand." He kissed her sweaty forehead.

"It's okay, baby girl. I'm here."

Derek was never there for Addison like he was for Adira. Addison hurt. Hurt deep down in places she never thought she would hurt. He had been half the man he was to Adira to Addison their whole marriage. He had never truly loved her; he had settled for Addison. Why hadn't she realized that years ago?


"It's a boy!" Exclaimed Addison as his cried filled the room. "What's his name?" Addison loved Adira's names she picked out for her children. Adira labored over these names and they were adorable, each and everyone. Addison remembered each and every one too: Jeremiah (Exaltation of the Lord) Derrel (Open, Adira's Husband's name); Joshua (Savior, Deliverer)  Christopher (He who holds Christ in his heart, Derek's middle name); Jamison (Son of James, Derrel's father, Supplanter, Overthrower) Zedekiah (The Lord is Righteous; God's Justice); and Justice (Just, Upright) Adira (Adira's name, Strong).

Adira held him in arms as Derek hugged her. "Jedidiah Aiden. Beloved by the Lord and little fire."

Addison smiled and excused herself, claiming there was other patients to tend too when everyone knew she had only come to this hospital for Adira.

Adira smiled at her baby. She held him close and felt him cry. The nurses started to leave and Derek leaned back against the bed. "You feed her. I'll take a nap."

"Okay," whispered Adira so her voice didn't crack. She nursed Jedidiah till she was sure that Derek was asleep then she let the tears she had been holding in for so long flow. "I am so sorry you'll never meet your father." Adira's heart broke all over again.


Adira called in Derek and Addison even though they had been arguing and yelling all day. They even walked in arguing. Today was supposed to be happy. Adira birthed her fifth child and that was exciting. And, Addison was home; why did they have to fight?

Adira took a deep breath, causing their bickering to pause. "I know that you're not married anymore, but can you guys please both be god parents? Addison, you were my friend when I had none and Derek fixed the broken me. I love you both differently and I need you both." Her voice cracked and she tried to regain some composure. "And, right now, I need you both to love my kids right now. Because I just had another baby and have four more kids. And, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't have a home. I don't have a family anymore. And, for two minutes, two minutes, I need you to put aside your differences and love on my babies cause, right now, my husband's dead and I hurt. I hurt deep in my bones. I need a you to be my family now." The tears started to rain down. "I don't want my kids to grow up in a broken home like I did. That's not what I want."

Derek sighed and looked at Addison. She uncrossed her arms. "No matter what happened or happens between us, we love you, Adira."

Derek was reminded of how young Adira really was and how fast she was forced to grow up. She still didn't know the answers. "We're here for you, Adira. No matter what."

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