Chapter 6

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Owen knocked on Adira's door once before entering to find Jeremiah and Joshua playing a board game on the floor next to the window, James sitting on Adira's lap reading a book and Justice was asleep in a pack n play in the corner. "Hey," he whispered as he set his bag down in the corner. It was just after dinner time and he wondered if they had ate. It was almost seven.

Adira raised an eyebrow. "Hey, you're welcome to stay for McDonalds in fifteen minutes then tonight's movie is still undecided. You can put in your vote with Jeremiah. McDonalds is in the cafeteria with the Shepherds and mi familia."

Owen smiled as he pulled a chair up to her bed. He patted James's head: "You're the smart one, aren't you?"

James smiled widely as Adira smiled proudly at him. "Yes, Mista Owen. I learned to write my name when I was two and I can almost read a full book. Momma has to help me with a few words," he concluded, his grin never shaking.

Owen nodded, "Do you mind if I borrow your Momma for a minute? I need some help deciding what pop to get for dinner."

"Okay, Mista Owen. Can I read you my words when I get back?" James was so excited, Hunt couldn't say no.

He nodded, "Of course," he replied as he helped Adira out of bed. He offered his elbow to her as he opened up the door. He shut it quietly behind him. "Your kids are amazing, A. You raised them well. They are polite, helpful, and very, very kind. Just like you."

"I didn't do it by myself... An overnight bag and a two day late shave, what happened?" She replied.

"Three days," he mumbled under his breath.

"Don't mumble," she ordered. Adira smiled as they stopped at the pop machine. "It's bad for your jaw and you should speak up. You're a man and a handsome one at that. You should speak up and you're the chief."

He smiled as he got a Coke for Adira, an orange for the twins to spilt and a sprite for James. "Christina kicked me out, Adira." He frowned and closed his eyes.

"I was looking for a roommate anyway," she replied easily.

"I had sex with someone else," tears started to leak from his eyes as she pushed her forehead lightly against his. "Adira, I don't even know her name. I...I...I can't remember. I don't remember her damned name." He hissed.

"Sshh," she cooed. "I know it's hard. You can stay in my room for as long as you need. It's going to be okay, Owen. It's going to be okay."

She took a deep, shaky breath as tears welled up in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Owen and held him tightly as he cried against. She leant her warmth and love as she tried to support both of them. She tried so hard to be strong enough for the both of them. He hugged her tightly as the silent sobs started to shake his body.


"Mista Hunt, are you comin' to dinner tonight with us?" Questioned James as he sat on his lap. "We can read later." He promised.

"I am not." He replied. "Remember how we talked about how I was the chief and I was in charge of those people? Well, I need to go be the chief and be in charge of those people, okay?" James nodded as he crawled off of Hunt.

"See you tonight?" Questioned James sadly.

He smiled and patted James's head. "Of course, see you then."

James nodded as Hunt stood and hugged Adira. Adira whispered into Hunt's ear before he left: "Come back for the movie, if you can. James likes you. I love you."

"Love you too," he replied as he headed out.


Adira and her kids headed up to the closed cafeteria. She set up the pack n play as the boys pulled out one of their board games to play as Adira started to push together two tables.

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