Chapter 13

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Meredith was in the kitchen when Derek woke up. "Good morning," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. "How are you today?"

"Excited," she replied after swallowing her bite of cereal. "I get my husband back today, hopefully. I feel like a sister wife right now, the way you spend a third, if not more, with Adira. So, there is a list of houses that I printed out on your bag that I went through and previewed on line. I set up a retailer to take you through the houses, because God knows you didn't do it."

"Hey, now," replied Derek, faking hurt. 

"Adira asked me too, that's why I did it." He smiled and kissed her. "I love you!" She chirped. "Zola and Bailey need to get dressed and eat breakfast. See you at work - come give me a kiss when you drop off the kids."


Derek dropped off the kids and found that his wife was in surgery. He decided to go to Adira's room right away so they could head out. "Morning!" He called as he opened the door to find Adira standing in front of the mirror with Jedidiah and Justice sleeping on the bed. Derek went over to where she was putting in her earrings and lifted up her sweater dress to check the incision site. "There's no red today!" He exclaimed happyilly. 

Adira rolled her eyes as he turned to the babies and started to coo at them. Hunt opened the door and raised an eyebrow at Derek. "Shepherd is coming?"

"Yes, of course he is. Both of you are...I have two children that need to be carried!" She joked as she hugged Hunt. "Okay, we need to get a move on because it’s a fifteen minute drive and our appointment is in twenty. Owen and Derek each picked up a child and put them in their car seat. “Derek is driving and I’ll seat in the back. Owen, you’re in charge of directions.”

Derek held Justice and Adira wrapped up Jedidiah in the baby sling and secured him against Owen’s chest. Adira fixed her sweater dress, pulled a piece of hair off her leggings, and slipped on a scarf after grabbing her purse out of her truck. “Ready!” She announced, leading them into the real estate office.

“Hello!” Gushed a young woman as she rushed forward. Her hair sprayed blonde hair bounced as she extended a hand first to Derek, then Owen, then Adira. “Which one of you fine men is Derek?”

Derek raised his hand, “Me? But, the appointment is for Adira.”

Adira waved her hand, “And, that is me. Adira Xavier.”

The woman smiled. “Well, I am Helen Green and I will be showing you around a few homes today.” She took a breath, “Now which one of you two is the lucky one?” She waggled her eyebrows, meaning who was Adira's husband. 

Before either Owen or Derek could speak, Adira replied with a smirk: “Oh, I'm single. They'll my siblings, thank you very much!" There was no need for Helen to know about Adira's deceased African American husband. Adira was in a reckless, happy mood.

Helen flamed bright red as Derek wrapped one arm around Owen's shoulders and the other around Adira's. Helen turned on her high heel to her office and Adira held in laughter. Owen shook off Derek’s hand. “Let go, you creep!” He hissed. “I am your boss!”

Derek chuckled. “I own our hospital. Therefore, I am your boss.”

Owen rolled his eyes and looked to Adira. "Why would you say that?"

Derek offered Adira his arm and she rested her hand in the crook of his elbow. Derek looked at Hunt over his shoulder with a million dollar smile: “You just haven’t known her long enough.”

Adira sighed as they entered the sixth house. She carried Jedidiah in her arms but the second she walked into the unfurnished house she knew she had found a place she could call home. She loved the openness and large kitchen with a bar, an adjacent dining room and den. All the bed rooms upstairs with a bar in the basement and a guest room, leaving the rest of the large area open with a walk out patio, a pool, and a large backyard. Adira knew that normally she wouldn’t be able to afford this but she had all the money she had saved up from boxing and Derrel’s life insurance. She could buy this house and pay off almost all of it. It hurt knowing that it was only possible without the love of her life but she wanted his money to be put to good use; at least the money that hadn’t gone directly into the saving account for their children.

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