Chapter 44

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Eventually we all decided to all go on walk down the streets because after all, we never got to the city when we arrived.

"You okay?" Austin asked as we were walking hand in hand.

"Yeah,  at least we know the truth now right."

"And I couldn't be more proud for you being able to figure it out, no matter what."

Awwww his sweeter than I thought he was.

"Okay wait up lovebirds," Gloria said from behind us.

"One more question how did you find out Jordan was your brother?" Gloria asked.

"Yeah, and not tell me," Austin said.

"I recognized her from the pictures mom sent to me every year," Jordan said appearing from behind us.

"Wait did mom happen to send you one after we appeared at the military compound?" Tommy asked appearing from nowhere.

"How do you guys suddenly keep appearing?" Austin asked jokingly confused.

"Yeah why, Tommy?" Jordan answered which was definitely not what we were expecting.

"Are you serious?" Gloria said shocked as we all were.

"Whats going on?" Dustin asked coming towards us with the rest of the group.

"Rachel's mom is alive," Gloria spoke.

"Are you serious," Genevieve said too.

"Wait guys, why did you think she wasn't?" Jordan asked confused

"Because Rachel's mom disappeared, along with all our parents the day the military abducted us at school." Emma said

"Ya they said we would be reunited again but we never did." Lucas and Tommy said at the same time.

"You were at the game Lucus?" Chris asked

"Yeah one of my siblings was playing that night," Lucus answered.

"Aww, you poor thing," Emma said hugging Lucus.

"Okay back on track guys, what were you saying about the abduction thing? " Jordan asked

"That's all, but if you think about it, that might mean that my mom and all of your parents are still alive guys," I said

"That's great, but where could they be?" Jerry asked.

"We'll figure that out, I promise." I said


"Guys what happened to Blade?" I asked while we were still walking.

"Um I don't know," Amelia said

"We gotta head back QUICK!" Lilly shouted.


As soon as we got to the building we were locked up in, a bunch of officers passed us while handcuffing Blade.

"Where are you taking him?" Jake asked.

"We're looking him up in the most secure cells we got." The officer answered back.

"How did they find out?" I asked Jordan from beside me.

"I don't know," he said just looking just as confused as I was.

"I told the Head official, Austin's uncle," Sasha said coming towards.

"Aunt Sasha!" Jordan said surprised

"I knew your parents for a very long time, and I was especially close to your mom, like sisters, before I even got married to Blade, so of course she told me all about what happened to your father but only after I got married." Sasha said.

"So do you have any idea, what happened to my mom?" Tommy said

"Tommy, oh my goodness, I've only ever seen your pictures, gosh you've grown up. Sorry, back to your question, I know a lot of things but with that topic, I actually have no idea about that, I barely even knew where they were taking all your parents in the first place, that's just the only thing I ever knew. "

" Oh, okay thanks,"Tommy said disappointed.


We all took our luggage from our cells and decided to stay in the underground city. And I have to say, my friends showed even more excitement than mine were to the place.

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