The Game

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It was finally an hour before the football  game and where we will perform our routine. We are currently at the swimming competition and they are killing it.

Our school is in the final lê.
Wwweeeeee-the bell goes and we win by one point. That was a close call.

10 mins later

"Yo man you guys killed it out there," Jake said while bro hugging Chris and Jerry.

"Thanks, It was intense," Chris replayed

"We were we so close to losing," Jerry said

"But ya'll didn't, we should celebrate later but Jake and I have to go catch up with our team for the football match," said Dustin

"Us too," Gloria and I said, "See ya,"

Jake, Dustin, Gloria and I were off to go do a quick practice session before the game.

Before we got in our locker rooms...

"Hey guys," I stopped

"What's wrong," Gloria asked

"You look worried," said Dustin

"Yeah," I said

"Aww don't worry we'll do great out there," said Jake

"No it's not that, I feel different, it's crazy but I feel like some thing's just not right." I said

"What do you mean," Asked Dustin

"I mean that something is not going well, I don't know, but don't worry, I'm sure I ll get over it soon, hopefully," i said

"Don't worry? You are bringing up something super creepy and you say we shouldn't worry," Jake goofingly said

"OK ok ok my apologies, hahahhahaha," I said and then we all laughed

"Don't worry Rachel we'll catch up after the game," Said Dustin

"Yeah, thanks bye," I answered

Gloria and I arrived in the changing room

"Hey, what was that all about," Gloria asked

"I don't know but I guess I'll have to find out later," I replied

"Is it about the news going around lately? " she asked

"What news?"

"Seriously, the government found a virus that has been spreading and they think that it's caused by the Radiats."

"Really, that's, woah, wonder why I didn't know already," I replied

"That's what I'm asking myself, but anyway don't worry let's just finish the game, and we'll finish this later, deal?"

"Ok, deal!"

I was seriously stressing at this point than I was before, were the government looking for us Radiats again?

I didn't know what to do, all I could think of is my brother, I had to find him, his the only person that knows about me.

"I'll catch up with you on the field," I told Gloria as we went our separate ways.

It was dark the only source of lights was the field lights only until the game started.


I saw them, they were everywhere, literally surrounding the entire field. The government officers.

" Hey,"One of the officers stopped me, looked like he was the commander officer, " when's the game going to start? "

" Uh, anytime now maybe in a few minites."

Im surprised I even got some words out.

1 minute later

" Rachel! " My little brother Tommy said and came to give me a big hug.

Tommy is 11 years old, he definitely is smart for his age.

" Hey mom, " I said and gave her a hug.

" Hey honey, what are you doing up here aren't you suppose to be on the field? "

" Yeah, I just wanted to see you guys."

My dad wasn't here he disappeared when I was in primary around 10 years old. We never knew what happened to him.

He was working for the government before he disappeared.

" Ok honey, well I'm going to find a seat, you can stay with Tommy before you start, you will do great." she said and gave me a forehead kiss before she left.

"K, love you mom." I said

That was the last time I saw her.

"Tommy, there is something wrong, the government officials are everywhere," I said, and don't think he is my big brother because like I said he is pretty smart.

"Yeah, I saw some on the way here too, remember don't show your identity on stage you have a high of showing it because your doing an activity."

"K, but whatever happens stay safe whether I'm with or without you." I said,

"Love you sissy,"

"Love you too little bro."

And we went our separate ways, me to the field and him to sit with my mom.

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