Chapter 34

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After an amazing morning of running through the lakes sand and watching everyone splash around in the water, we eventually had to keep going before it got dark.

I wore my sneakers and black leather skinny pants with a sleeveless white shirt with my military jacket on top.

We had been traveling for 1 hour now  and we were finally able to see the gate from where we were.

"Wait guys, I heard once that there are a bunch of infected people who normally crowd at the gate so I got some masks here and gloves." Austin said handy us the mask and gloves.


We were really close to the gate and Austin was right about all the people crowded at the gate.

"Rachel, my ankle is really painful." Lilly whispered to me.

"Okay um let me take a look, hey guys wait up, lilly's ankel is hurt."

Lilly sat down on the ground while I checked her ankle.

"Oh my goodness," lucus gasped at what he saw.

"Is it that bad?" Lilly asked.

"No sweetie, but what happened?"

"I guess maybe from all the walking."

"Lilly next time please tell us when you feel any sort of pain." Austin said coming to help me with Lilly's ankle.

I put a bandage over her leg and gave her some pain killers to ease the pain.

I tried to carry her but Austin insisted he'd carry her instead.

I got pretty tired too so I asked Dustin to carry me too and soon Jake started carrying Emma, Jerry carried Gloria and Chris carried Amelia

Unfortunately Lucus, Tommy and Genevieve didn't have any piggy back rides.

"Now my turn," Jerry whined to Gloria while putting her down.

"Hey, that was too short, but thanks anyway Jerry." Gloria said

"Lucky for you Gloria we have arrived," Jake said.

"Hey bro, she didn't have to know, she didn't realise yet." Jerry complained

"Hahaha ha, don't worry Jerry I promise I will next time." Gloria said.

"Will you really?" I whispered to Gloria.

"Nope but let's hope he doesn't remember," Gloria joked.


We tried sneaking around the open gate, away from everyone else.

Everyone looked very desparate to get in but they almost didn't look too good, they're faces were really pale and I noticed some people looked very swollen almost even red.

I made sure to keep Tommy and Lucus close to me. Austin was still carrying Lilly. He's such a good brother.

As I tried entering through the gate after everyone else did, an alarm went off, we didnt realise there were scanners this whole time.

We got everyones attention who were trying to pass through he gate, also known as those who were infected.

We ran as fast as we could trying not to be touched and soon infected but we soon realized the soldiers were coming towards us too.

We found some one wheeled motorbikes and got on as pairs.

Unfortunately though, the soldiers came up to us too fast with their cars for us to be able to even lose them.


They cuffed us up and put us all in the back trunk of the trucks they brought.

"Sorry guys," I said feeling guilty for everything.

"It isn't your fault Rachel," Dustin said

"Yeah it's very clear that you are capable of ruining whatever plan they have, so that's why they are probably so cautious of you, don't worry it's gonna be okay," Emma said giving me a hug.


We got out of the car and started heading into the huge building.

" Where are we? " Jake asked the officer.

" Head of state building, you all will be taken into cells until tomorrow's questioning. " the officer answered.

"Questioning?" Dustin said

" Yes now stop asking questions and follow me." officer said

" Talk about being rude," Genevieve whispered to me.

"Well we better get use to that when we're here." I said hopeless

"Untill you stop them don't give up hope."

I suddenly felt stressed whether I can. But, I know I will because I am a proud Radiate and since telling my friends I don't feel ashamed about it as I use to.

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