Awkward (8)

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*Michelle's POV*

I woke up a little bit mad. I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed
my teeth and got dressed. I walked out and went to school. I was about to crossed the road when someone covered my eyes. I struggled to take the hands of me but I couldn't. I felt someone kiss me and take there hands off my eyes. I looked behind me and saw Lucas. I felt my face get red and covered it with my hands. I heard him laugh and kiss my cheek. I was even more embarrassed. He removed my hands from my face and looked at me.
"Hey" he said smiling at me.
"H-Hi" I said
"What's wrong, babe?" He asked. My face felt like it was burning.
"Nothing. You just took me by surprise" I said
"Oh, I have more surprises for you"
He said as he leaned in and kissed me again. I kissed back. He grabbed my waist and I didn't mind. We pulled away, grabbed hands and crossed the street.

*Lucas' POV*

I couldn't help it. I just went for it. I kissed her again. When I was crossing the street, I saw Nelson staring at us with his mouth open. I smiled evilly and kept walking.

At lunch...

I went to her usual table. When I got there, I saw Nelson, Ariel and Sophie. I didn't see her anywhere. I didn't even eat. I threw my food away and went looking for her. I saw her sitting on a bench under a tree.
"Hey" I said as I sat next to her.
"Hey" she said still not looking at me. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried.
"Nothing. I just wanted to write something down" she said as she took my hand away.
"Oh, what r you writing? If you don't mind" I asked.
"A song" she said as she continued writing.
"A song?"
"What's it about?"
"Huh?" I asked confused. She nodded and continued writing. I looked over to the sheet of paper and read some of the lyrics.
"Wow. That's awesome!" I said.
"Thanks!" She said. She closed her notebook and looked at me. I looked away a second and then turned my attention to her. She sighed.
"What's wro-" I was cut off by her lips covering mine. Of course, I kissed her back. She pulled away and smiled at me.
"I have my surprises too" she said and then giggled. I laughed and we started talking. When the bell rang, we went to class and saw that the teacher wasn't there.
"Great! She isn't here!" She said smiling at me.
"Awesome. Now, want to go back to the bench?" I asked. She nodded and we went to the bench we were earlier. We started talking again. After a few minutes, she took out her notebook and started writing again.
"I just had an idea!" She said as her smiled widen.
"Awesome. I really like that song your writing"
"Thanks" she said and kissed my cheek. I blushed and kissed her cheek back. We laughed and she continued writing. After that, we went to English. We sat together and everybody was staring at us. I couldn't care less.
Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter. Is it cute or not?
Bye Allie<3

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