Awkward (20)

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*Sophie's POV*

"You can't tell ANYONE that she is alive. Understood?" I said to Ariel that had her mouth open in shock.
"Yes I understand. I can't tell anyone" she said. "Where is she?" She asked. I went to the window and looked outside.
"Michelle? Are you still there?" I asked. I stepped back as I saw her climb in again.
"Hey Ariel" she said mockingly.
"Hey!" Ariel squealed. I saw Michelle roll her eyes.
"Why are up so mad?" I asked Michelle.
"Because this bitch said she heard the psychopath's voice. Were you referring to me?" She asked angrily. Ariel put her head down and sighed.
"Sorry. I felt like you were never my friend and that you tricked us into believing that's you are our friend. Then, people told me about what you did and I felt bad I believed you" she said.
"Yeah it's okay. People are bitches" she said smiling. We all laughed and heard a knock on the door. Michelle ran to the window and climbed out.
"See ya" she said and heard her footsteps get quite. I opened the door and saw a teacher.
"Miss, you are late for class" she said to me.
"I'm sorry miss, I needed to go" I said as I walked out the bathroom.

*Michelle's POV*

I ran into the forest until I bumped into something. I fell on the ground and looked up. I bumped into a boy.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there" he said as he stood up and lent me his hand. He helped me up and smiled.
"It's okay. I wasn't looking" I said.
"Do you live around here?" He asked.
"Yeah, I live down here" I said.
"I can walk you home" he said. I nodded and we started walking together. We talked about random things until the subject changed to my murder.
"So, they she was nuts. You kind of look like her" he said and paused. "Wait, what's your name?" He asked me, stepping back.
"I'm Michelle" I said. His eyes widened and he took out a knife.
"Step back!" He said.
"I won't hurt you" I said stepping back.
"I don't trust you" he said.
"I promise" I looked up and saw my house. "Here's my house" I said.
"Get away" he said.
"I will if you don't call the police" I said. He nodded and stepped back.
"Okay, I won't call them but can I see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yea, sure. By the way, what's your name?" I asked.
"Nathan" he said. "Well, I gotta go. See ya Michelle" he said as he walked away.
"The fuck? He was creeped out by me and now he wants to see me? Whatever, he was cute." I thought and walked in my house. I went to my room and felt my phone vibrate. I unlocked it and saw a text from Paula. I opened it and my eyes widened. I saw a picture of her and Lucas, TOGETHER! Also, message that read:
"Sorry darling, he's too cute. I'm not working for you anymore. He's mine now. Bye!" I frowned at this and threw my phone on the floor. I laid on my bed and before I knew it, I was asleep.
Hey guys! Traitor! Hope you liked it.
Bye Allie<3

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