Awkward (18)

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*Sophie's POV* (the next day, at lunch)

I skipped lunch and went straight to the bathroom. I locked the door and went to the window.
"Michelle, are you there?" I asked.
"Yea I'm here. Is the coast clear?" She asked. I looked around and turn back to the window.
"Clear!" I said as I stepped back. I saw her climb up the window and land safely inside.
"You got the candy?" She asked me. I raised an eyebrow and she sighed.
"Fine!" She whined. I smiled and hugged her.
"Now, you got the candy?" She asked again as I pulled away. I nodded and got a bag out of my pocket. I handed it to her and she opened it.
"Oh my God, black licorice. My favorite" she said and smiled evilly.
"Why do you need this?" I asked. She texted me to get this candy yesterday. She didn't tell me why she needed it.
"We're going to scare the shit out of Lucas" she said and smiled evilly again.
"How?" I asked still confused. She leaned over to my ear and whispered her plan. When she was done explaining, my eyes widened and I smiled.
"And that's why you're my best friend" I said. "When are we going to that?" I asked.
"Tonight" she said and grabbed one out of the bag. She took a bite out of it and laughed. I heard the bell rang and stood up.
"Well, I better go to class and you out of here" I said.
"Kay, meet me at his house at exactly 8:33" she said, heading towards the window. I nodded and waved at her. She waved back and climbed out. I unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom. I went to class and sat at the back, alone. I saw Ariel walking towards me and she sat next to me.
"Where were you?!" She asked madly.
"Doing something" I answered, still not looking at her. I looked up and saw Lucas staring at me. I looked out the window and saw Michelle waving at me. I waved back and saw Ariel look at me.
"Who are you waving at?" She asked.
"Nobody" I answered. She rolled her eyes and looked away. I looked back out the window and saw her talking with a girl. She looked at me again and gave me a thumbs up. The teacher still wasn't in the classroom so I took out my phone.
"Who is that?" I texted her. I looked out the window and saw her taking her phone out.
"Someone who is going to help us" she replied. I smirked and rolled my eyes.
"Okay, see ya at 8:33" I said.
"Kay bye" she replied. I put my phone away and took out my notebook.
"Might as well draw" I said to myself.

At night...

I got to Lucas' house at 8 and waited for Michelle to arrive. At 8:32, I saw her with the girl she was with earlier.
"Hey" she said smiling at me.
"Hey" I said back at her.
"This is Paula. She's going to help us write the note since Lucas already knows our hand writing" she said.
"Hey. I like your plan. I really hope it works" Paula said smiling at us.
"You got the basket with the licorice?" I asked Michelle.
"She had to take it away from me" she said, pointing at Paula.
"It's not my fault you almost ate it all" she whined.
"It's not my fault I love black licorice" Michelle whined.
"Anyway, you got it. Do you have the note?" I asked. Paula nodded and handed me the note. I opened it and it read:

"I know what you did. You're going to jail! You killed her!"

"Nice!" I said. Paula handed me the basket and I putted the note in.
"It's time" Michelle said. I stood up and walked to the front door. I put the basket on the ground and knocked at the door. I went back to where we were and we ran out.

*Lucas' POV*

I was on the couch with Samantha, watching a movie. I heard somebody knock at the door.
"Who could it be at this hour?" I asked. Samantha shrugged her shoulders and I stood up. I opened the door and didn't see anybody. I looked down and saw a basket full of black licorice. I panicked because I knew the only person that liked black licorice was Michelle. I took the basket and saw that there was a note. I grabbed the note and opened it. I read the note and my eyes widened. I went back inside and went to the table.
"What's wrong?" Samantha asked.
"I think Michelle is alive!" I yelled.
"Didn't you kill her?!" She yelled.
"I thought I did. I think I didn't" I said. I showed her the basket and her eyes widened.
"B-black l-licorice!" She said. I nodded and showed her the note.
"Excusing her little friends, who could have known?" She said. I started to think and then it hit me.
"Nelson! He liked her. Maybe he saw me 'killing' her" I said.
"You are not cut out for this job Lucas. We're over!" She said and started grabbing her things.
"Samantha wait!" I yelled but she ignored me and stormed out. I was left alone with the basket of licorice and the note.
Hey guys! Poor little Lucas, he's just a little crybaby. Now he's alone with Michelle's favorite candy. What will he do?
Bye Allie<3

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