Bonus: Paula and Dylan- 4 years later...

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*Paula's POV*

I sat just at the edge of the beach, when I heard some footsteps. I took a glance back and saw Dylan and his beautiful dark eyes. He smiled and sat next to me.
"Hey" He said as he stared at me.
"Hey" I said back at him. We sat there for a while just looking at the water.
"Do you plan on making a family?" He said, breaking the silence between us.
"I don't know. I mean, I'm 25 and you are 26" I said, looking at him.
"I know. I mean when we are a little bit older, you know" he said.
"Sure, I mean I like you, you like me so why not" I said.
"I have to ask you another thing" he said shyly.
"Sure, what is it?" I asked, trying to hide my nerves. He took out a small box from his pocket and knelt down.
"Will you marry me?" He asked holding up the box. He opened it and there it sat, a wedding ring. My eyes widened and I felt tears fill my eyes. I smiled at him and I remembered that he was waiting on my answer.
"Yes!" I finally said. He stood up and put the wedding ring on my finger. He leaned closer and I felt his lips crash into mine. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him. We pulled away and I felt my face getting bright red.
"We should go. It's getting late" I said trying to hide the huge blush on my face. He nodded and smiled at me. We went back to the car and got in. We drove to my house and I was just really excited. "I think I'm getting to excited" I thought to myself. When we got to my house, I helped him with the things and went to my room. I took out my phone and called Michelle.
"Please pick up, please pick up!" I said as the phone rang.
"Hey Paula!" I heard her say with excitement. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to invite you to my wedding, that's all" I said, trying to hide my excitement.
"Oh my God! You're getting married?! He finally proposed" she squealed through the phone.
"Yeah, he proposed to me at the beach" I said with excitement.
"When is it?" She asked.
"I don't know yet, but I wanted you to know and help me" I said shyly. Since my mom is sick, I can't ask her for help. I kinda need to ask my best friend now.
"I'm coming over" she said as she hung up. I squealed with excitement and my eyes widened when I saw Dylan at the door.
"You already told her" he said calmly.
"Yeah, I had to. She's my best friend" I said as I stood up.
"I know" he said, smiling at me.
"Are we gonna talk about this?" I asked shyly.
"What do we need to talk about?" He asked.
"Oh I don't know, maybe like plan the whole wedding" I said, rolling my eyes. "You can be so dumb sometimes" I said.
"Shut up" he said. I giggled and smiled at him.
"You know I'm kidding" I said. I heard a knock on the door and smiled.
"She's here" I squealed with excitement. I went to the living room and opened the door. I saw that Nathan was with her and gave her a weak smile. I liked Nathan and all but he always wants to be with her and her only.
"Hey!" She squealed. I stepped aside and they walked in.
"Wanna talk about... that?" She asked.
"Yeah. Nathan can stay here with Dylan while we talk" I said, glaring at Nathan. He gave me a 'I hate you for this' look and I smirked.
"Let's go!" She said before taking my hand and dragged me to my room. She locked the door and started jumping up and down.
"Let. Me. See. The. Ring!" She squealed again.
"Stop squealing" I whined and showed her the ring.
"Oh my God! It's beautiful!" She said.
"I know right?" I said.
"So, what do you want me to help you with?" She asked.
"Well... A lot of things" I said shyly. Her smile widened even more and shook my head.
"Don't. Squealed!" I said. She covered her mouth, trying to hold her laughter.
"Too late. EEEEEEEEK!" She squealed.
"Oh God. Anyway, I need help picking a dress an all" I said.
"I'll help you. We can go tomorrow at noon 'cause I've got an appointment with you know who" she said shyly.
"Okay. Thanks a lot!" I said.
"Anytime! That's what friends are for!" She said. "I gotta go. See ya tomorrow!" She said. We went back to the living room and they left. I sat on the couch, next to Dylan.
"Wow, it's already 10:06" I said.
"So?" He asked.
"I'm going shopping tomorrow and I can't wake up late" I said as I stood up.
"Goodnight!" I said, blowing him a kiss. I went to the bathroom and put on my pj's. I went to my room and before I knew it, I was asleep.

The next day...

I woke up around 10:00. I got up and saw that Dylan was still asleep. I smiled and tip-toes out the room.
"Why is he so cute when he's sleeping?" I thought. I went to the kitchen and made coffee. At 10:30, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I heard the bedroom door open and footsteps. I opened the bathroom door and saw Dylan stretching.
"Good morning!" I said, already with my clothes on.
"Good morning" he said back, smiling.
"I'm leaving soon" I said.
"What time is it?" He asked.
"Shit! I'm late!" He yelled, his eyes now wide open. I laughed as he started panicking.
"No you're not. They called and told me you're working the night shift" I said, trying to hold my laughter.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" He asked.
"You were sleeping" I said as I walked over to him. I hugged him and smiled.
"I love you too" I said teasingly.
"I love you" he said and kissed my cheek. I looked at my watch and it marked 11:10.
"I gotta go" I said as I hugged him again.
"See ya!" I said as I walked to the living room. I got my phone and my keys and walked out. I drove to her therapist's office and waited for her outside. By 12:03, I saw her walking out of the office. I waved at her and she ran to the car.
"I thought that I was going to pick you up" she said as she got in.
"Yeah, but whatever. Let's go" I said as I started the car. I drove off and she turned the music up. Good thing we like the same artist.
"Even if I say, it will be alright.
I still hear you say, you want to end your life.
And then again we try, to just stay alive, but it's not too late, it's never too late" my car "sang". We got to the bridal shop and I parked my car. We got out and we walked towards the store. We walked in and my mouth dropped. I don't even like dresses, but this dresses were beautiful. I saw Michelle walk towards some dresses and picked out 3.
"Go try this on, I think they're your style" she said, handing me the dresses. I went to the the fitting room and tried one on. I came out and showed her.
"I don't think so" she said. I rolled my eyes and went back in. I took it off and tried on the 2nd dress. I liked it but since she's helping, I need her to like it too. I went back out and she smiled.
"Maybe. I like it better than the first one" she said.
"You're too honest" I said, rolling my eyes. I went back in and tried on the final dress. I walked out once again and her eyes widened.
"It's perfect!" She squealed.
"Finally!" I said. She laughed and pointed to the mirror. I walked towards the mirror and my eyes widened even more than her's.
"This is the one" I said.
"Come on, let's go pay it" she said.
"Kay" I said as I walked to the fitting room yet again. I took off the dress and put on my clothes again. I walked out and we went to the cash register. We payed for the dress and went to eat. I dropped her at her house and drove to mine.

6 months later...

The wedding day has arrived. Michelle was helping me get ready.
"God, I'm so nervous" I said shyly.
"Don't be!" She whined.
"It's just that... I don't know" I said.
"That?" She asked.
"I'm scared something is going to happen" I said.
"Nothing is going to happen, okay?" She said.
"If you say so" I said.
"Okay, you're done" she said as I stood up. I looked in the mirror and smiled.
"Thank you so much!" I squealed. "Oh God, what was that?" I said.
"You squealed" she said, rolling her eyes. I smirked and she laughed. I heard a knock on the door and pointed to her for her to open it.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"Nathan". She opened the door and he walked in.
"Hey" I said.
"Hey" he said. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded slowly and Michelle smiled.
"Then let's go" he said as he opened the door. We walked out to the garden and the music started. I walked to the end of the flower path, to where he was standing. The man started to speak and I couldn't help but smile.
"Do you, Dylan Smith, take Paula Martinez to be your lovely wife, to care and love until death separates you?" The man asked.
"I do" he said.
"And do you, Paula Martinez-"
"I do" I cut him off.
"Okay, now, with the power invested in me, I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said. I smiled and Dylan leaned over and I felt his lips on mine. I kissed him back and heard clapping in the background. I smiled and we walked down the flower path.
"Finally, we are husband and wife" he said, smiling at me.
"Yeah" I said, smiling back at him.
Hey guys! They're together patiroav . Hope you liked it! Next it's Michelle and Nathan.
Bye Allie<3

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