Awkward (22)

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*Michelle's POV*

Nathan ended up staying over. We watched a couple of movies and talked.


When I looked at the clock, my eyes widened.
"Fuck! It's already 2:30!" I yelled.
"So?" He asked.
"I was suppose to go somewhere at 11:30!" I yelled again.
"Can you go tomorrow?" He asked.
"I think. Whatever, can't do anything else" I said as I sat down. He smiled at me and put an arm around me. I looked up at him and smirked.
"What are you doing?" I asked annoyed.
"Nothing, just sitting here with you" he said sarcastically. I pushed his arm away and looked away.
"Look,I'm sorry. I can't help it. People said a lot of bad things about you. You don't seem like the person they told me about" he said. I looked at him, tears in my eyes.
"Yeah, because they don't know why I'm like this" I said. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug and u started crying.
"Shhh, it's okay. Don't worry, I believe you. You are actually sweet. Anyway, why are you like this?" He said/asked me as he pulled away.
"Well..." I told him the story about the bullies when I was younger. When I finished explaining, I saw that his eyes were wide open.
"Uh..." He said. I laughed at his expression. He shook his head and smiled.
"So that's the story?" He asked. I nodded my head and smiled.
"Finally, got that out off my chest" I said. He laughed and smiled at me again.
"Wow, you smile a lot!" I said, rolling my eyes. He laughed again and I crossed my arms.
"You hungry?" He asked.
"Why you asking?" I asked.
"I can go get food since... you know" he said.
"Yeah, sure" I said.
"What do you want?" He asked as he stood up. I shrugged my shoulders and he rolled his eyes.
"Surprise me" I said.
"Okay, I'll be right back" he said as he walked out.

*A half hour later...

I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the little hole thingy and saw Nathan. I opened it and smiled at him. I stepped aside and he walked in.
"What did you get?" I asked, trying to see inside the bags.
"Food and movies" he answered. I rolled my eyes and tried to look again.
"Let me see!" I said.
"Later" he said, blocking me. I went to the couch like I was going to sit on it. Instead, I ran towards him and jumped on his back.
"Let me see!" I yelled as he tried to get me off of him. He tried to get me off by acting like he was going to fall. I jumped off his back and laughed.
"Hey, no fair!" I said.
"Yes, fair. You jumped on me" he said, laughing. I crossed my arms and stared into his green eyes.
"Can I see now?" I asked. He shook his head and I sighed. I went to the couch, still with my arms crossed. I heard him laugh and looked at him.
"Why are you laughing now?" I asked.
"You just look so cute like that!" He said as he walked towards me. He sat next to me and tried to put his arm around me but pulled away. I smirked at him and took his arm. I put his arm around me and I moved closer to him. He looked down at me and smiled.
"Oh so now?" He asked, smirking at me. I giggled and he smiled.
"Can we eat now?" I asked. He nodded his head and stood up. He lent me his hand and I stood up. We walked to the table and started to eat. After we were finished, we watched a movie. It was 9:00 now.
"Hey, Michelle?" He asked.
"Yes?" I said.
"Can I stay over?" He asked nervously.
"Oh, um. Sure" I said nervously back.
"Good, cause I already got my clothes" he said. I laughed and stood up.
"I'm tired, you can sleep on the couch" I said as I walked away.
"Whaaaaaaaaat?" He said. I laughed and turned around.
"I'm kidding" I said. He stood up and followed me. I went to my room and jumped on my bed.
"Am I gonna sleep with you?" He asked, smiling.
"Whatever" I said I rolled to the other side of the bed. He sat on the right side and jumped a little.
"Well, this is squishy" he said. I laughed and put my head on the pillow.
"Good night" I said and closed my eyes".



*Nathan's POV*

I woke up around 9 and saw that Michelle was still asleep. I tried to wake her up but I couldn't. I shook her, pulled her even pour water in her face and she wouldn't wake up. I got on top of her and started to kiss her. I kissed her lips and noticed she was moving. I kissed her again and saw her open her eyes.
"Good morning, love" I said. She smirked at me and closed her eyes again. I sighed and kisses her again.
"Stop!" She whined.
"Not until you get up" I said. I kissed her again and saw that she had her eyes opened.
"Why can't you let me sleep?" She said.
"Don't want to" I said.
"Ugh! You're so annoying" she whined and put a pillow over her head. I pulled away the pillow and stared at her.
"Get up! Please?" I asked.
"Ugh, fine" she said. "You need to get off of me you know?" She said. I got off of her and waited for her to stand up. She stood up and stared at me.
"I hate you" she said.
"Yeah sure. Then why did you let me kiss you?" I asked. I saw her face go bright red. I laughed and hugged her.
"Because I wanted to see if you were a good kisser" she said.
"Liar" I said as I pulled away from the hug.
"Am not... anymore" she said, looking up at me.
"Do you want breakfast?" I asked.
"Nah. I'm not hungry" she said. I rolled my eyes and she smiled.
"Well I've always wanted to taste something" she said.
"Oh yeah, what is it?" I asked. She got on her tip-toes and kissed me. I kissed her back and at the same time, I was in shock.
"That" she said as she pulled away.
"Yeah, me too" I said. She laughed and smiled. We walked to the living room and she put on a movie.
"Wow, you like movies a lot don't you?" I asked mockingly.
She sat down next to me and kissed me again.
"Yes" she said. We watched the movie and kept talking about random things.
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. Aren't they just so cute? What do you think is going to happen next? If mistakes in sorry. Btw, the guy on the picture is what Nathan looks like.
Bye Allie<3

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