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Screams echoed and rattled throughout the house, almost as if they were able to shake any ornaments placed in the entire apartment. The begs and pleas of the two females fell deaf on the man's ears, a certain child's voice more shrill, and more tear thickened than the other.

"Please daddy! M-mommy said that y-you said that you wouldn't-"


His voice was louder than anything else she'd ever heard, the little girl could have sworn that her ears bled from the reverberations. On the other hand, the wife sat on the floor, unfazed by the torturous behaviour of her husband, even if his action of violence were inflicted on her. 

She was seemingly dissociative, and she had been for the past five years of her daughter's life. Unfortunately she would never change, much like the rest of her family. 

Nothing would ever change, yet to little Hanako, in her eyes, everything changed once her mind opened up to a place called daydreams.

There, everything was fine.


Walking the halls of UA was like nothing else, her school shoes that had a slight heel to them clacking along the linoleum floor. Her light-brown hair that had a slight braided wave to it fell to her shoulders, her own vanta-black eyes scanning the signs on the walls.

Her new uniform that was one from the most prided hero courses of UA, though how she chose to dress it may not have lived up to that standard. Her tie, where was it? In her bag, just in case. In Hanako's opinion, there was no point to something that constricted her breathing. The first button of her shirt was undone, once again, linking back to the previous reason. Her skirt, there was actually nothing wrong with that. And if Hanako said so herself, nothing else was wrong with her uniform.

Apparently a certain boy with glasses begged to differ.

"Excuse me? Your uniform does not live up to that standards of UA! It is an act of disrespect to wear it like that! What is your name?"

"Yamikumo Hanako." The girl replied unbothered, her black eyes looking deep into the soul of the boy's.

"Yamikumo, please put on your tie, if you even have it that is."



"I said, no."

The boy gasped as the girl walked past him, looking at the blackboard for a seating plan. Unfortunately for Hanako, she would be sat right at the front, which, for someone like her, isn't great. Hanako may give off a harsh impression, but in reality, she can't stop fidgeting or talking. Her first impression is simply something that was embedded into her thanks to her parents. But, that was simply a first impression that was built based solely off of defence, she was a different person if one got to know her well enough.

But that 'got to know', would prove for some, to be harder than it was for others.

Hanako sat down, letting out a sigh as she did so. She wanted to be here, but her body language showed otherwise. What? She thought a coffee would wake her up, yet the effects proved that it did the opposite. It was most definitely a note to self, don't drink coffee unless you want to be narcoleptic.

Finally someone noticed the yellow thing, and the room went silent. The man inside drinking from a juice box began to talk tiredly.

 "If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now." The man said, still laying down in his sleeping bag. "Welcome to UA's hero course" Everyone stared, not in awe, yet in confusion. "It took 8 seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that. Hello I'm Aizawa Shouta, your teacher."

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now