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Katsuki sat in his room, achieving nothing more than staring at his ceiling whilst forcing his mind away from the sting of his injuries. Turned out Deku had followed him and Spidey to the training ground and had been eves dropping.

(After a couple threats, a fight, confessions (no no those types), Deku had been sworn into secrecy about what Hanako had said.)

His cheek twinged in a slight burst of pain as he turned to lay on his side. His mind was active with just so much to process, first there was the confrontation with Hanako. He hadn't planned for it to turn the way it did, in fact, he only did it because he care- was aware of his friend's issues over summer.

(Maybe he wouldn't admit that he cared, and that he was slightly disheartened when she started acting abnormally.)

But then she said what she did about how she felt about him, it was confusing; as if Hanako wasn't confusing enough as is. She said she used to hate him, fair enough, he was a jerk; he knew that much. Though from what Hanako said, it seemed that she hated him because she never knew how to feel about him and his personality.

Fair enough.

Though after that, the girl continued on.

"But all that hate turned into an obsession which slowly turned into me loving you, and I don't know how to feel about that!"

The sentence was loaded with things that he simply couldn't unpack. But the timeline of how she felt was easy enough to understand: she went from hating him, to liking him platonically, and then actually liking him in a romantic way.

That's all fun and games until he had to put thought into how he felt. How did he feel? It was short and sweet, he didn't know. He'd never been one for feelings, especially ones such as these, he'd always been so focused on being a hero and his priority in life, that he hadn't had much time to think of things such as  that.

Well he certainly had time now, and for four days. But he didn't want to think about it, why should he do anything he doesn't want to do?

(Because it's important, and besides, he already knows the answer, but it consciousness is too dumb to realise that.)

Sure it had sucked when Hanako had distanced herself and he couldn't annoy her and vice-versa, but he didn't care, did he? Hmmm.


Once Hanako had become informed about the fact that Katsuki was on house arrest, she had many questions that would go unanswered. According to the miniscule details that Katsuki would give, he and Midoriya go into a fight, a physical one at that.

She knew that they definitely had unsaid tensions between them, and a lot of unsaid truths, so Hanako hoped that maybe it was good for them? Though then again, Katsuki hadn't been exactly too happy when she left him in the training grounds last night, so it made complete sense.

Three days had passed, and now Hanako was currently fighting with her upperclassmen. And she definitely wasn't winning at that. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons.

The first one was this idea of a 'work study', it had been mentioned in the opening ceremony three days ago, and no one in the class had a clue about its existence. Hanako hadn't questioned it much, if she didn't know, there was probably a reason.

The second reason was that the 'work study' was to now be explained by three very different third years. One was shy, much unlike Hanako in a sense, one was extremely bubbly and in general extroverted; much more like Hanako than the darker haired boy. The final one seemed to be a balance of the two, though leaning more towards the extroverted side of the spectrum.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now