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Her eyes blurred with tears, as much as she wanted to scream at the whole world, she couldn't, her voice seemed to disappear.

Her cheeks were a rosy red but they glimmered in the light from the string of salty tears that streamed down them. The pillows to her bed would most definitely have a wet patch to them where she cried.

The whole world felt like it was trying to suffocate her whilst making it into a twisted game. She always knew that losing what she knew was going to be a pain. But this pain that she felt was nothing close to what she prepared herself for.

He was gone, and a part of her was glad. Though why did it feel as though that part came from the unwanted part of her soul? Even if it was morally correct.

Knowing what you want and what you need are two completely different things, but wants are always more present in one's mind than needs, and so even if the wants may come to kill you, you want it, right?

You want it?

One tiny voice will say "yes, yes I do want it." and even if that voice is so so small compared to common sense, it's much more powerful. And the most powerful wins in the end, right?


Aizawa stood at the podium with a look that could only mean something bad. It was the day after the rescue trial and nothing much had changed. "All right, that's it for class today, there's only one week before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly right? Don't forget to keep training, the written is just one element of the exam, you've also got the practical to worry about. Good luck." Aizawa said while walking out the room.

Then a fiasco began. The actual results of the previous midterms were as follows:
20- Kaminari
19- Ashido
18- Aoyama
14- Tokoyami

Hanako was satisfied with her result, not really. But she could only really blame herself for not placing as high as she had wanted, it's not  her fault that she couldn't pay attention in class. 

(I mean it is it her fault, but let's let the girl believe)

"I'VE BARELY EVEN TAKEN NOTES THIS SEMESTER!" Kaminari and Ashido screeched, laughing slightly worried. Hanako was in the same boat, only really copying up the notes on the board, which -theoretically- was all that she needed. But Hanako knew that that was most definitely not the case.

"And with the sports festival and internships I haven't even read through the text book." Kaminari continued, slamming his head into a desk. Hanako hadn't read through the text book because she didn't have time, that's also why she came in late every morning; sleep was not a necessity, it was a wish.

It was irresponsible really. She did have the time, but she spent that time playing different games outside with her friends, which had evolved into mostly playing soccer; as one of them had managed to acquire a good soccer ball as of late.

"It's true we haven't had much free time lately." Tokoyami added, sitting on a desk. Oh if only the bird boy knew about the miniscule amount of free time Hanako had.

"We'd barely learnt anything when we took our midterms so they didn't seem all that difficult but I'm kinda worried about these. We've gone through a lot so they probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us." Sato said while Koda nodded in agreement.

Hanako walked over to Shinso, and asked "What did you place in the mid-terms."



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