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Why did she say "Again"?

It was obvious to everyone that she knew that man, the man who took her. And funnily enough, now everyone else did too. Father and daughter. But one thing only a few can take note of, was how scared Hanako looked. She never looked scared. Not once. Never when they were being attacked by villains, not when she found out she had to fight teachers.

Nothing that should have scared her.

In fact, she didn't look scared when the attack on camp first began. She looked curious. Not a single emotion in her face, not a glint of fear in her eyes. Not an ounce of stiffness in her figure. 

She looked so normal. She didn't look like her friends could be dying in a forest. Most of all, she didn't look as though she was scared for her or anyone else's lives.

But then she got restrained. And it seemed as though all her negative emotions that had been locked deep away in the depths of her heart were opened with a specific code, that code being the man who took her.

He was the reason for her fears, it didn't take a genius to figure it out.

And that led right back to the question of, 'Why did Hanako say "Not Again!"?'

It's a loophole really, and only two people knew why, that being Hanako and her father. 

It had been a regular day, the seven year old was playing outside with her friends in winter. Snow was falling rapidly and silently, and it seemed to almost absorb any loud sounds; that is how snow works.

Out of the twenty usual children, there were only five playing outside today; those who weren't playing couldn't do so due to their parents declining their requests. Though for those who were playing, they were having a whale of a time.

Throwing snowballs at each other, pushing each other face down into the snow, life was simple. At least that's how it appeared. There's always more than the average eye can see. And average eyes couldn't even begin to fathom what was actually going on.

Those who were playing outside weren't doing so because they wanted to, they wanted to escape their homes. But at only seven years old, that isn't a plausible option. So they settled with playing outside together without most of their friends; fifteen trapped at home, a place they didn't want to be, not even on Christmas.

Hanako's little nose was red, along with her cheeks and ears. She was wearing nothing appropriate to the weather, leggings, fluffy socks, sneakers, and a shirt under a jacket would do nothing to protect from the elements.

But she didn't care, she'd built up a sweat from running around anyways. And as day turned into night, the group became smaller. Going from five, to four, to three, and finally to two. The sky was dark, and in said sky there was nothing but black clouds. The snow was coming down thick and heavy still, and it was a miracle that Hanako and this other girl hadn't got hypothermia. 

"Koko, Imma go inside now. Merry Christmas." This girl sighed, a small smile still gracing her lips.

"Merry Christmas, Mimi." Hanako said, waving to her friend; Mimi being short for Hitomi.

Hanako couldn't remember the last time she got something for Christmas, but why would she need material gifts when she had her friends. That's what she thought as she sat in the middle of a snow filled road, drawing shapes in the snow with her finger.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now