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The love she had for him wasn't just going to go away as he had expected it to. She simply just put him in front of everyone because she was so young, so blind, and even at 4 years old, she'd save him over anyone else no matter the cost.

She always told him that she loved him, how much she appreciated and cared for him in the hopes that he'd change his ways. She'd always follow him and clean up any of his messes even if  they weren't her own because she didn't want to stress him out more; if he was stressed, he wouldn't be nice.

Hanako laughed when he laughed, not knowing that she was laughing about something that would come right back around and smack her in the face, letting her know how stupid she was. And the hope that he was would return to the ways that he was before was so strong that she never stopped loving him.

And what she didn't know, was even after the man had been forced to leave when she was eleven, he and others were still watching her, angry.


Bakugo fell rather inelegantly onto his face, and most would be concerned, but given the current circumstances of a literal cavalry battle occurring, most didn't bat an eye; other than his team of course. Hanako whipped her head up to the score board, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw her team's name in a comfortable third place.

In first was team Todoroki, Bakguo's team next, then Hanako's team, and finally, team Shinso; who was nick-named Troll Doll in Hanako's mind. Hanako climbed down from the people who were holding her up, seeing Midoriya practically crying (definitely crying), Uraraka smiling rather largely so much so that her eyes were closed, Tokoyami's face was in a solemn smile, and Hanako was smiling too.

What a lovely time.

On the other hand, Bakugo was throwing a temper tantrum on the floor, not so lovely.

Bakugo was on his way to lunch, but then he heard faint chatter. He'd recognise those voices anywhere. Deku. He honestly wasn't intending to eavesdrop, it just happened. But his eyes widened for every minute he spent pressed up against the wall, hearing something he didn't intend to hear.

He now had very different opinions, though they were still negative.

Hanako probably should have been mortified, though, instead, she was trying to punch and kick Kaminari and Mineta to kingdom come, though was being unfortunately restrained by two very unwilling boys. How did this come to be? Well, the two boys had claimed that the girls needed to wear cheerleading costumes for some odd reason. The girls, naturally, went along with this plan, and were now being publicly humiliated.

Hanako was in no way self-conscious, never had been and most likely never would be. Though that was most likely because she completely forgot about the implications of her past, meaning that there were a few faint scars lingering about her body, not big enough to notice, but big enough to make people curious.

Present Mic was once again loudly commenting on the situation, and between that and Hanako bullying two unsuspecting boys, it was a rather chaotic situation.

"After the side games are over, the sixteen students from the top four teams will be fighting it out in a tournament style fighting competition! I promise you're not gonna want to miss these epic match-ups!" Present Mic revealed.

"Come closer to draw lots to see who you're up against, then enjoy the pleasure of the recreational games before we start . The sixteen finalists have the option of participation in these games or to prepare for battle, I'm sure you all want to conserve your stamina. I'll start with the 1st place team-" Midnight began, though she was cut off

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