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It felt like a twisted dystopian reality. Something that shouldn't have happened, that was the first time she ever felt like that. The outside walls of UA were black, charred, and the beautiful autumnal trees that one lined the pathway to UA were all gone, burnt and dead. The bricks to the path were uneven and rough.

That attack during the retry of the provisional licensing exam had been the worst one yet. And it was so close to UA. It was a miracle that the damages hadn't ranged inside of UA, yet the tall walls and gate held out; thank god.

The trio walking back to UA with All Might took in the scene, everything was so... dead. Lifeless. Though wasn't that how Autumn was meant to be? The season of everything dying? Yes, but Hanako didn't like what the villains had turned it into.

She was also surprised that UA hadn't called for an evacuation. 'It's safe' they said 'They'll have a significantly smaller chance of being attacked if they stay on campus' they said. Were those lies? She didn't know yet, though she'd come to know soon enough.

The three walked through the gates swiftly, conscious of all the damage yet never saying anything of it. It was 'best to stay calm' after all. The campus was still as beautiful as ever, looking secluded from all the damage. Compared to the sight outside of UA, it was almost as if nothing ever happened.

Don't get me wrong, the damage outside of UA was reparable, nothing permanent, but it all still happened. And the thing was, Hanako was the only student in the entire school that knew why. The staff knew, but that didn't mean anything in the long scheme of things. 

The League were coming for her class again, they were coming for her again. She was sick of it. As she turned her head around to look at the damage just before the gates closed, she knew what she had to do. Ignoring the tears in her eyes as her mind was even able to comprehend such a solution, she continued to walk back to the dorms, holding a lively conversation with the two boys.

(Probably one of the last.)


For once, Hanako's room was in shambles. Normally, she was the type to keep it clean and organised, yet as of now, it was the opposite. With the few possessions she had, they were everywhere. It was the middle of the night as Hanako sat at her desk, papers strewn across everywhere and her pencil case wide open to reveal that more pens were on her desk than in the pencil case.

There were clothes and toiletries on her bed as well as a few photos. What was going on? Well, it was a middle of the night room organising mixed with doing some journaling. She hadn't been writing anything in her journal for a long time, she just got the urge to write how she felt one day a few weeks ago, and now she was here.

The evening before this late night was one the class spent together, it was their Friday night game night. Everyone would just eat junk food and play games whilst having fun. Hanako was especially hyper, whether it be because she had just got her license or because she was so anxious from the recent attacks, she didn't know. Though she did know that it was some of the most enjoyable hours she'd ever had.

She loathed how she knew that those times would never last. And only love makes her this crazy for even thinking of a solution to the League's attacks, she was too far in. But it was a fix, and the greatest heroes must make the greatest sacrifices; and she wanted to be a great hero, right?

Her curtains proved futile against the brightness coming from outside, that was weird. Her clock read that it was four in the morning, plus with it being near winter, the sun wasn't due up until at least six. That's when the waves hit. The building shook with a force so great Hanako was surprised the walls hadn't collapsed. 

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