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That conversation lasted late into the night despite Hanako's tired demeanour. She'd give short one worded answers to Aizawa's questions unless they required more or she was willing to share more. 

Even if it did only take one night, Aizawa did see the changes in Hanako. She was tired (of course) but she didn't look mentally tired anymore. Before, when her movements were tight and stiff and her mind seemed clouded by thoughts, she was never present. Though now, she seemed present and relaxed. Of course she wasn't fully healed, not even with a quirk can a person heal mentally overnight. That would take time like anything else in this fickle world.

Hanako did end up falling asleep mid-question whilst being curled up in a ball at the edge of a sofa. The logical part of Aizawa told him just to put a blanket over Hanako and call it a night, that was what was logical. But the compassionate part of him told him that it would be bad for her back to wake up like that, plus, a bed was always more comforting than a sofa.

(He should tell himself that when he choses a sleeping bag over the sofa during the lunch hours.)

So, he picked the girl up and manoevered her up an elevator and through a corridoor and into her room; all while trying to be as quiet as possible. Good thing he was a stealth hero, he knew how to keep quiet. Never did he think it would be useful outside of his profession. Though what should he expect, this was class 1-A. More importantly, this was one of his problem children, and furthermore, his daughter.

It was just Hanako.

But hey! At least it was actually Hanako now, not the troubled Hanako that there was before.


Remedial classes started not too long after that day. They were tough, and the first time they came back to school from a remedial class they were covered in band aids and scratches. Though it was fine, Hanako had fun during the class and learnt from it.

The class had swiftly noticed Hanako's abrupt change in behaviour, though did no such thing as comment on it. Hanako was slightly glad at that, she had already confronted her problems with Aizawa, she didn't really want her classmates to think any different of her; even if she already knew that she'd wasted her chances at that.

Though it was nice to hope.

Unlike Katsuki and Todoroki, she was very happy to see her friends get their work-studies; she was proud of them. She wasn't envious or anything, she knew that she would find a work study when the right time would come. Besides, for now, she enjoyed seeing Katsuki annoy Gang Orca so much so into throwing both Katsuki and Hanako across the room.

She laughed so much she felt sick, though she had no resentment towards that whatsoever. It was what she missed. Most were actually scared of Gang Orca, though Hanako was not thanks to a series of extremely unfortunate events that could be described best as two words: her life.

And she was content with that mostly because when others were shaking in their boots from being told off, Hanako was chatting to the terrified person next to her. She knew that Gang Orca wasn't really that mean, she could just sense it. If he was that mean, she would have been out there in a click of her fingers.

Besides, seeing Gang Orca lose his sanity was rather fun. Gang Orca would say such things like "Do you think you are going to be a trustworthy hero with a silly attitude?" And Hanako would reply with "Technically yes because if I have a happy-go-lucky attitude it would make people feel safe and relaxed. But if I was all serious and grouchy-" Katsuki huffed at that "-people might feel a bit on edge."

Well she wasn't wrong. There was one incidence where Hanako quickly became the 'class clown' of the remedial group, and it wasn't even a joke she was telling. Gang Orca asked the class "If you were to act childish on TV, how would your parents react?"

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now