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She wanted to hate him, she really did, yet she could never bring herself to do it. For the short time she never wished for the negative, he brought out the best in her. The sparkle in her little eyes was visible. Her little laugh was so pure, she smiled in pictures, and cherished every moment with him.

In a way, she wanted to be just like him.

Yet now, now she wants to hate him so bad, he destroyed her. And her sparkle disappeared in a faint glow. She unknowingly pushed people away because she'd rather be in a world where she didn't have to hate him.

And that little world consumed her to the point that she almost forgot about him, but she never would be able to. The thought would always linger in her mind every time she walked into her house.


Ever since the awards ceremony Hanako had been uncomfortable, even more so when she arrived home from work. But where did this uncomfortableness stem from? Well, to be precise, it was the awards ceremony itself.

Bakugo seemed to be very reluctant to taking the first place medal, in fact, he downright refused it. Fine, that should be fine with the school, right? Wrong. UA decided that the correct course of action would be to strap a child to a block of cement and muzzle him.

That situation within itself was an uncomfortable one for most watching, yet for Hanako, it hit home.

Hanako was in a little bit of a problem. Her father was having one of his bad days, and Hanako didn't know it. The girl had been trying to make him feel better as of late, by saying things, yet it proved futile.

Her father turned on her, began hitting her, beating her. The little girl had had enough, and began to fight back, using her quirk to try and wrap him up in a way. Her webs were weaker than they are as of current, only being able to hold her body weight at the time, of course she should have known that her father would be able to break them.

This is the first and only time Hanako can remember not disassociating when her father was angry, and she really really wished that she had disassociated. Her father had grabbed her by the wrist, the feeling of his nails digging into her thin wrist, and her pain was sent electrically around the area.

She tried digging her feet into the wooden floor to prevent him dragging her to wherever he was going. Flailing and wriggling around, twisting her wrist to get out, but his larger frame and muscles made her efforts seem as useless as trying to tell him not to.

He took her into his office, and practically threw her on a chair. "We're just trying to help you become strong! And what do you do?! You don't respect us! And so we won't respect you."

Hanako stayed frozen in her seat, her frame hunched inwards in a defensive way. He walked back over, and grabbed both of her wrists, placing a hand-cuff like contraption around them. It burned her skin in the way it dug into her, it was heavy, most definitely metal. And just as she thought her father left, he returned. "And since you decided to speak back, you won't get to do that either."

Another piece of painful metal was placed on her, though this time it was around her mouth and nose. The leather straps dug into her cheeks, the metal part though, it made her jaw ache in a way that she couldn't explain. 

It was just pain.

All of this might be why Hanako restrains people when she fights, because 'it is the right thing to do' and how she doesn't like criticism. It all made so much sense.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now