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Do you blame yourself?


Well it's quite common in this situation for a patient to feel a kind of... guilt.

What situation?

The accident.


Reflecting on the camp now as she stood almost cowering in front of the person who took not only her, but her life, she didn't know how she wasn't more frantic at the camp. If she had given it a second more thought, it would have been obvious to her that the malicious intent behind it was obviously from her father.

But her mother?

That secret was kept as well as any other, it was unknown to everybody except those that were involved. But now it was like knowing an obvious answer to a test, she was kicking herself about not even guessing it.

Though she'd never been one to give much thought about her parents, so could she really be that mad at herself?

She'd have to pick her battles to fight, but sometimes the battles she didn't want to fight were the ones she found herself stuck in.

"So, you've made yourself at home?"

Hanako didn't like the size of his pupils, and how wide and predatory they were; even if they were barely see-able from the already black colour of his iris.



"U-um, yeah? This is my house." Hanako wearily replied, closing the refrigerator with no food taken. Her parents were fully dressed in fancy clothes, unlike Hanako who was wearing an old T-shirt and shorts. Her hair was messily parted from sleep, and her braid like waves were an untamed mess. She felt as much of a mess as she looked.

"So it is, but it's not really your house, is it?" Her father replied.

"Legally, no, I don't own it." Hanako replied. It was then that she remembered that she needed to take some pain meds, her head wasn't playing games when it came to pain. So she tried to remove herself from the situation, that's what most smart people would try to do, right?

"So you live here rent free and don't do anything?"

Hanako opened her mouth to speak before closing it again and taking a deep breath to calm herself and her nerves "I mean-" She chuckled"- I worked a job for three years and kept everything in this place up to standards, so I don't live here rent free." 

Hanako continued to shuffle her way out of the kitchen.

"I see, but you don't have that job anymore, do you?" Her mother began. "So unless you do anything remotely helpful, you're out, Hanako." Her mother's voice went from somewhat tame to cold and chilling. But Hanako wasn't that worried about it, there could be a worse punishment.

"Oh, and did I mention that being kicked out is the last straw? There's a lot more to come before that, so if we see anything so much as a hair out of line, well-"Her mother was now the one chuckling"- I'm sure you know what's coming."

Her chuckle was jarring, and Hanako felt her mouth go dry and any previous hunger she had was whisked away with her positive thoughts. Hanako nodded curtly as she walked away from the kitchen.

Good thing she had a granola bar or two in her bedroom for this exact occasion.


After that interaction, Hanako took some pain medication after eating a granola bar; which was doctor's orders. It was still blazing hot outside, and considering her parents hadn't asked her to do anything, going outside was the best choice.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now