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And the worst part about leaving a toxic relationship is hoping that they'll run after you, that they'll stop and fight for you to stay, for them to tell you not to leave, and that they need you. But they never run after you, they never try to stop you nor try to save your relationship. They tell you to leave and they encourage it, and they say that they never needed you. Because no matter how much you want to keep going you stop and turn around, and go right back in their grasp, whether you intend to or not.

And Hanako had unknowingly ran straight back to her toxic relationship more times that she could count.


It was safe to say the audience was blown away, figuratively and literally. Todoroki and Midoriya combined had proven to be insanely powerful. How did it come to this? Well, the second round of the finals began and the two were the first up to fight.

There had been a tense shouting match occurring, not only a physical one. It was Midoriya telling Todoroki to use his fire, and funnily enough, the latter boy did. Of course with the ice and fire the drastic temperature cool down had caused an intense explosion to occur. And even with Cementoss' best efforts in restraining both, his luck was in vain as a cyclone of wind blew past everyone in the audience.

Before this however, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were able to settle their draw, the method of doing so being an arm wrestling match; Kirishima being the victor.

The fighting grounds were torn up yet most of all, Midoriya was thrown out of the arena viciously. Hanako was due to fight this Shiozaki next, and if she won she'd have to go against Todoroki, aka the person who literally just ripped up half of the ground. So... panic?

No, Hanako was thrilled to go against the boy; that's if she wins. If he fought the way he did in the previous match, Hanako would be more than happy to fight him; she'd become quite the adrenaline junkie. 

Hanako -for the second time that day- strolled to the waiting room, and entered it without so much as a care for the world. She had seen a small glimpse of this girl's quirk, and in a way it was similar to her own. The girl used her hair -which were vines- to apprehend people. Hanako did something similar, except her apprehension weapon of choice wasn't a body part, it came out of her.

Body part..... apprehend.

Hanako's eyes widened at her strike of genius, only if times such as these happened when she was in class. Hanako supported her head with her hand, her elbow digging into the plastic table. Her eyes hadn't blinked in a solid minute, meaning she was doing one of two things: 1. Disassociating, 2. Thinking very hardly. In this case, it was the latter, she was coming up with plans.

And if these plans didn't work, then.... fuck!


"Second match of the second round, begin!"

The moment the beginning of the word 'begin' was uttered from Present Mic's mouth, the girl who had vines for hair shot out her vines at the girl who was part spider.

Hanako immediately jumped higher than the vines that were aimed for her, she did not want to re-enact Kaminari's battle. Hanako had replayed Shiozaki's previous battle in her head, and the girl played an offensive battle, well, that's how it seemed.

The girl herself never moved, which hinted at the fact that she didn't have great mobility in areas such as these. Plus, her vines moved ever so slightly slower than Hanako's webs. And so, with that analysis, she made up a plan.

Hanako would run towards Shiozaki whilst avoiding her vines whilst also shooting out webs of her own at the girl's hair. It looked like a haphazard mess as of right then, as if her plan wasn't going to work.

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