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That's how she felt, numb. But it also wasn't how she felt, because she felt so alive at the same time, consumed by her worries and woes. She wasn't sad, or depressed, or shocked like most are when they feel 'numb', that was when a person felt empty without the thing or person they treasured most.

In Hanako's case, yes, she had lost two people that were somewhat close to her, but that wasn't what caused her feelings. It was the repercussions of losing them. The change of housing, families, friends, being told that the life she thought was somewhat normal was actually the opposite. All of that buzzing around her mind was so intense that it blurred into one thing, numbness.

It could be compared to how a limb gets pins and needles. These experiences were little pricks at her emotions, nerves, everything, until it felt like everything was buzzing and painful... numb. Like how her life was functioning, but just barely because she was consumed with this buzzing numbness. 

The numbness was also like a fog of mixed feelings. The woes and worries of life changing things mixed with morals from before creating a blanket that muted every day life and its challenges like a thick, hazy fog that would only get thicker and more dangerous before it could even begin to clear.

The numbness was prickling and buzzing with the fog surrounding her creating a mess trapped in her own world thinking that there was nothing but more fear and lies outside of the fog. Perhaps that's where her hesitance to leave her mind muddled mess begins.

"I believe I've mentioned this already, but your main focus for this summer is obtaining provisional hero licences." Aizawa began, class 1-A sitting in their seating in front of him.

"Yes sensei."

"Do not take this lightly, a hero licence means your responsible for human lives, you can imagine the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only fifty percent of students pass the requirements for these permits each year." He continued.

"It's that hard to get a provisional licence!?" Kaminari gasped, interrupting Aizawa's speech.

"In order to prepare today your focus on creating something new, two ultimate moves." As Aizawa said this the door to the classroom slid open forcefully, revealing Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Midnight.

"Ultimate moves!" Most exclaimed.

"When we say ultimate, we mean a move that will insure that you win against your opponent." Ectoplasm said.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it, simply put you must learn to lean into your strengths." Cementoss explained.

"Your moves represent who you are, these days most pro heroes have an ultimate move, those who don't are fools." Midnight finished.

"This may sound abstract but we'll explain more as the day goes on, for now change into your costumes and meet in gym gamma." Aizawa instructed.

"Yes sensei." 

The fog was thickening and the prickling of thought was digging into her skin drawing blood. 

She was slipping. She couldn't let that happen. The flood gates must stay closed.


"Gym Gamma, also known at the academy as the training dining land, or TDL." Aizawa spoke. UA had a thing for giving their training areas acronyms it appeared.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now