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If someone were to ever find out that Hanako was abused, they'd most likely have one question: you don't act like it, why? It makes sense, the common stereotype for an abused person would be skittish, quiet, and generally fearful of anything that could have a correlation to their fears. But Hanako, she was really carefree, and was rarely set off by anything.

Because the things that set her off were usually the people that hurt her, and if someone mimicked an action of one of her parents, she wouldn't be scared because she knows that they're not them.

It was the same with verbal things, but in a way, it was completely different. Because Hanako grew up with the neighbourhood children, and that neighbourhood was rough, insulting people (not too badly to the point of bullying) was common. Hanako would only ever react in a negative way if someone said something her parents had said, in the same tone as her parents.

So Hanako had very specific triggers

And honestly, Hanako would've probably ended up like most stereotypes of abused people if it wasn't for the neighbourhood children. They were unknowingly like therapists to her, but the weird part is that she'd never talk to them about her problems. She never did that because she was scared. Not of telling them, but of the consequences. She knew that they'd be worse than having her toxic family life in the forefront of her mind.

So, one may ask, so how in any way were they like therapists? Well, ever since Hanako was young, her mind seemed to clear with joy if she spent time with them; Hanako only ever focused on the game that they were playing, or the homework that they were doing. That's what made them her therapists, they allowed her to not think of the negative.

And since she had always spent hours a day with them, she was distracted from her problems for a majority of the day, and when she wasn't with them -which was rare- she used her day dreaming.

She was coping, but she wasn't dealing with the problems, and that would never lead to anything good. Because one day, all of the frustrations, worries, and general feelings will bubble over like an over-boiled pot of water.


Hanako had continued to stay in Bakugo's room after inquiring him about three-in-one shampoo. Whether Bakugo had actually let her in or not was out of the question, because Hanako had invited herself in and laid down on his bed, looking up towards the ceiling, not remembering the last time she felt so calm when she was alone with only one other person in a room.

In a twisted way she didn't want this internship to end. She could manage all the litres of gel lathered onto her head everyday, the stiffness of having to wear jeans, it would all be better than living at the place she's supposed to call home; when in reality it was more of a house.

"Oi, are you gonna actually do something other than lie on my bed."

"No." Hanako breathed out, the tiredness getting to her, it may have been stupid to only get three hours of sleep, but she had no other choice.

"Then go lie on your own bed, Spidey."

"What if I told you that I don't want to, Arsonist?"

Bakugo looked at her incredulously, whether it be due to the nick-name, or the answer she gave in general, no one truly knew, not even Bakugo. That was proven in his next actions, the boy walked over to Hanako, and took both of her wrists in her hands, and dragged the girl off of his bed; which he was very close to going to sleep in before Hanako had arrived.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"Removing the stain off of my bed, obviously." Bakugo answered, a smirk on his face as he dragged Hanako out of his room, her short hair dragging on the floor behind her, the boy then leaving her out in the corridor before closing his bedroom door on her.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora