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It was only around the age of eight she noticed the differences. Hanako had always thought that her father was mean to both her and her mom. But that really wasn't the case. Yes, he'd shout stuff at her such as "You need to do better! How do you think we're going to survive if you don't!", and Hanako never really knew what that meant. She still doesn't. 

But that was the maximum he'd ever do to her. Though on Hanako's part, it was much worse. But the worst part was, no one would ever know that it happened. In that sense, Hanako's mother could be seen as worse than him. She was the person that would be able to rid Hanako of any visible scars, but never any internal ones.


Hanako sat on a bus that had a peculiar layout. She herself was seated in between Kaminari and Ashido. The buss' engine was creating a soothing hum, and even if Hanako was slightly relaxed by the sensation, she was far too much of a non-relaxed person to fall asleep.

The class was on the bus to do some rescue training, and Hanako had no idea what to expect; mainly because her class was made up of a lot of different types of people. There were a lot of things that could happen, not only caused by the students, but what Aizawa had planned. The man had proved to have little to no mercy, and what came with that was absolute chaos of a training session.

And so that was what the main topic was on the bus. Hanako was simply watching everyone, adding in her opinion here and there. "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo." Kirishima stated, Hanako looking at him slightly annoyed. There was a slight building of envy inside of her, she had to be better than Bakugo. He was her rival, and so she needed to be better.

"Sure but Bakugo is always angry, so he'll never be that popular." Asui added, Hanako chuckling at her comment, no longer so angry. Plus, Asui had a point. Bakugo did slightly need to calm down because-

 "What did you say I'll kick your ass!" Bakugo retorted, him standing up from his seat in pure infuriation.

"Oi, Arsonist, chill." Hanako replied to his retort, even if she wasn't directly involved in their conversation. 

"You see?" Asui stated, Hanako nodding along. Most everyone was in their costumes, and Midoirya was the only exception. Hanako was yet to get used to the whole 'I don't have shoes on' thing, and feeling the floor with her feet was still a foreign concept to her. And so she sat talking to people whilst wiggling her toes.

"You know we basically just met you so it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is a flaming crap mixed with garbage." Kaminari poked, okay, now Hanako stopped wiggling her toes to look up.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied for this school you looser!" Bakugo huffed. Hanako laughing. "What's funny, Spidey?!" He raged.

"You." Hanako replied, pursing her lips to conceal her laughter. Hanako simply found it funny how easy her rival was to piss off. If it was this easy she'd continue.

 "Hey hey we're here, stop messing around." Aizawa hushed, Hanako and Bakugo still having a silent fight. It was very different in their minds. Hanako was messing with him, and Bakugo was absolutely enraged by that.


"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." The rescue hero Thirteen began, a few students gaping at the sudden appearance of the hero. As of right now, the class were in what looked to be an enormous dome, which inside was split up into many training areas. "I can't wait to show you what's inside!"

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now