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The world was screaming. Her head filled with negative thoughts. Life was so dull. Each breath is heavier than the last. Her vision became blurry with tears. There was silence. There was chaos. There she was all alone once again, much like she had been four years ago.

Why did she feel like she did when she was kidnapped?

Because she felt lied to, betrayed. To her, it was the exact same. Her parents, people she was supposed to trust, had betrayed her, lied to her. Her friends, people she was supposed to trust, betrayed her, lied to her.

(They didn't mean it though, they just assumed that it was obvious because it's their normal.)

Her room was dark, there being no lights whatsoever, and the curtains were drawn to perfection. She said she loved the dark, she didn't like it any more. It was once a blank canvas (it still is) but now her mind was painting fearful pictures, horrifying pictures, but they weren't just pictures, they were memories.

She felt her sanity leaving her mind every second she spent in that room, she felt deranged, frantic, unaware of her surroundings despite knowing every nook and cranny off by heart. Every nook and cranny of the few valuables she owned.

 The silence was deafening, the dark was blinding and it made her feel as though the room was closing in on her. She was choking on her tearful sobs. Hanako's heart hurt, it felt encased in pain and suffering. It was a gut wrenching feeling, her barely being able to inhale.

She wanted to keep quiet, she wouldn't want to be a bother would she? Because, "You can't tell anyone because they will never believe you" and "What happened to my happy little girl?" and "Are you just trying to be an attention seeking bitch? Because it's working.".

(My happy little girl died years ago)

No one will ever believe her, why? Because she was a liar. She lied. She pretended everything was fine because she didn't want to hurt anyone with the things that hurt her. And she hated it when these horrible thoughts would creep into her head, mixed with the memories she simply wanted to rid herself of. And the saddest thing is how it is so much easier to just not say anything at all.

She hated being reminded of them, it was to the point she had become numb to these thoughts and their insufferable effects. At least she thought she was numb to them, she knew that they still chipped away at her sanity. Will she have to suffer alone? She didn't want to suffer alone SHE HATED IT! SHE JUST WANTED IT STOP! SHE WANTED PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY! SHE DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE A FUCKED UP LIFE THAT PUT AN INSUFFERABLE PRESSURE ON HER! ONE SO THICK AND UNBEARABLE SHE FELT UNABLE TO BREATHE!

She just wanted it to stop.

She couldn't breathe, the screaming and shouting, the tears, the panic. She could barely breathe, her lungs seeming to reject the idea as her body was begging for a way TO FUCKING BREATHE, PLEASE! Her heart was beating so fast and harsh she could feel it in her brain, her ears. It was so painful. None of her limbs could move, they felt controlled like a puppet. Her mind going haywire, her vision blurring at the sides and swallowed with tears.

Her breath finally caught in her throat, she'd stopped breathing. About time, there's always a limited time things can work for before they just... stop. Sometimes there's catalysts to their end, but something that begins must end.

"Hey!" She couldn't define the voice that was calling out to her, it was muffled. Like someone had placed her underwater. Warped, fuzzy, suppressed.

She didn't know when her legs collapsed, but she did feel her weight suddenly drop along with that feeling in her stomach of falling. Probably because there wasn't enough oxygen in her blood for her muscles to function any longer.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt