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(I am back from my break now! I might post every other day though due to exams coming up that I need to study for, I hope y'all can understand.)


The time Hanako spent in the hospital was minimal compared to the last time she was in the hospital. Even if Katsuki and Hitoshi visited most every day, there was a growing pit of anxiety in her stomach that not even their crude jokes could fix.

This was different.

Unlike at Kamino, when she was scared, it would be an injury that she got. Something temporary that she wouldn't have to live with for a while. And even if she was still recovering, her life thus far hadn't been changed that much by it; even if she still had to take medication.

This on the other hand wasn't something that could be magically healed and would be fixed within a week or two, no, this was literally life changing. She didn't belong to a family any more, she was just a child owned by the government which meant a lot of things.

One of the main things though was how it shook her sense of identity. Who was she? It was strange to think about, especially as she had come to hate her family, but she didn't know who she was without them.

So there was an identity crisis.

And then there's the whole ordeal of where she was going to stay and who she could end up with, that was a whole different level of stress. On the bright side, there was only a week and a half left of summer, and based off of the fact that dorms were being implemented sooner rather than later, she wasn't too scared.

That was in a week though.

So what would she do until then? Well she only had to stay in the hospital for three days for some check-ups and minor physical therapy, so now she had the problem that had been in her mind for what seemed like an eternity. Where would she go?

Of course there was always a solution. Oddly enough, her teachers were foster parents and pushed to keep her. Why the hell they would bother to do that, Hanako had no idea. She couldn't comprehend that they would offer to keep her after the apprehensiveness of the whole situation that Hanako had shown. But apparently, they were already foster parents and had adopted Hitoshi a few years ago.

So there's that. So, for the remainder of the summer, until school opened the dorms in a week's time, she ended up moving into her teacher's home on a semi-permanent basis. She was sharing a room with Hitoshi which was completely fine with her because if Hanako was being honest, he was one of her first close friends at UA. Katsuki was her other close 'friend' that she liked to insult.

It was weird to think that the guy that Hanako had befriended was now her foster sibling that she had to share a bunk-bed with. She had the top bunk, it was a power move because now she could slap pillows onto his head.

All in all, her new life was weird as she had no idea what was going on. But wasn't that normal?


Everything was bizarre. Eating dinner together as a family, what? Finding out that spending 10 hours of your day outside is abnormal, what? The sudden lack of intense pressure placed on her by expectations, what?

Everything was changing and she didn't know what to think of it. Don't get her wrong, she was much happier and her two teachers were really nice; turns out Aizawa did have a soft side, or as the man had requested for her to call him Shouta. That part made sense, the name part (about the only part of this whole thing that made sense). Yamada, or more appropriately Hizashi wasn't much different than at school. Still loud, but not as loud.

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