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They say actions speak louder than words, but who says words don't hurt more? Because both can feel like a knife sinking into one's heart, shattering it into pieces.

And even now, there are more things to consider than just actions and words, there are sights, audios, smells, touches, and thoughts. And Hanako, Hanako knew that all of these things counted as to what she perceived an experience to be, and even if someone would always tell her "Actions speak louder than words.", she'd never believe them. Because words hurt the most, because they, unlike any injury, will last in one's memory forever, whereas a scar will fade and a bruise will change colour.


Her dreams were plagued with nightmares and horror. She'd never really thought much of dreams or nightmares before. That was because -to her- they'd always seemed blurred, and she felt as though she was underwater whilst experiencing the entire thing.

Never had they ever felt so real.

Before, she felt as though she was sitting back behind a blurred piece of plastic glass; she was there, but she wasn't actually experiencing the dreams. Now, there weren't any barriers between her and her mind's creative pocket.

She was the person in her nightmares and dreams, the person who was always written about in a passive voice; having everything imaginable done to her. And of course, her first experience with such a phenomena was one that meant that she was in the dark side of her dreams.

It wasn't a dream as such, more simply, a memory replaying in her sleep; that was probably why it felt so real. Hanako would have been a young child at the time, one at the age in which they receive their quirk; so around 4 or 5. She and her father had been walking back from the quirk doctor. Hanako reminisced about these times fondly, these times were the times of sweet honey kisses on her temples.

But that moment when they were walking home, her little hand in his, that was the last of the memories that Hanako could ever recall upon fondly. Once they had returned home, Hanako's father shut the door, the lock clicking. Hanako took off her shoes, which on this day, had been white sandals.

"Daddy, can we play the game where-" Her little plea was abruptly stopped when her father crouched down in front of her. His face was neutral, and Hanako couldn't tell at the time, though now she was able to see the memory so clear again, it was obvious. There was a fire raging behind his own noir eyes.

Hanako's little voice died in her throat, she didn't know why. She just wanted to play! But her father always had a little smile on his face when he was around her, so why was now different?

"Honey, no, no we can not." His voice was firm, almost as if he were trying to lecture Hanako in a way.

"Why?" Hanako asked, her voice coming out as a whine as she elongated her pronunciation of the simple word. The little girl bunched up her denim dungarees in her hands, a white T-shirt behind underneath.

"Because, you aren't what daddy needs to focus on right now, it's what's inside of you." He said, poking Hanako's chest with his right index finger. His own oak coloured locks blocking his eyes from view. Hanako's head tilted as to show her confusion. "Your quirk, Hanako."

"We can play with my quirk-" The girl began in a questioning tone, her little raven eyes looking at the man's shoes as they creased with his crouch.

"No! It's not perfect! You are not what we asked for!" He blurted out, taking a rough grasp of the girl's dungarees, his hands and pulling the little girl forward. She let out a yelp in surprise from not only his words, but his actions. 

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now