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"When you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not." -Richard Kadrey

It was a quote given to Hanako in her first year of junior high in her literature class, the task was to annotate it. She had to describe the metaphor, and what it could actually mean. She wrote that "People think that the outside world is just like their home, but it's not."

Hanako wasn't wrong, but there was a much deeper meaning, a meaning that applied directly to her. Hanako knew what she was, she was an abused kid. She knew this because of school, the education system taking the time to teach people about abuse, but never how to stop it.

Hanako thought it was normal. Normal to be afraid in your own home. Normal to wish you could run away forever, and leave everything you know behind. But it really was not normal.

In a metaphorical way, her house was on fire to the point of nothing left, but she couldn't see the flames, not yet, she was still blinded by the smoke.


"Good Morning, unfortunately there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams, so when it comes to the training camp in the woods, everyone is going!" Aizawa said with a devilish smile.

Hanako was rather surprised, not only at the fact that Aizawa smiled, but the fact that it wasn't a lie. Usually things like that aren't a lie, Hanako'd seen it. Those who failed their exams being unable to go on a school trip wasn't uncommon (She and her friends may have been apart of those people who couldn't go because they failed). So maybe Aizawa was being nice?

"Seriously!?" Ashido asked, a slight bit of hope shining through.

"Yeah, the good news is no one bombed the written exam-" Hanako had never felt so proud of -her procrastination before"-, five failed the practical, badly, two teams of course and then Sero failed as well." This statement caused Sero to go into a mumbling phase of "I didn't do enough to pass."

"Allow me to explain, in the practical battles the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win otherwise you would've never stood a chance. We were interested in looking at how you would work together and approach the task at hand." Aizawa continued.

"But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?" Ojiro asked.

"That was just to get you on edge, besides the training camp will focus on training your strength. Those who failed the exam need those lessons the most, we were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used." Aizawa said, saying the last bit with a devilish smile.

"Aizawa, this is the second time you've lied to us! Aren't you afraid we'd lose faith in you?!" Iida announced springing up from his chair.

"Uuhhh, a little blunt there Tenya." Uraraka said with a chuckle

"That's a good point, I'll consider it but I wasn't lying to you about everything, failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you and frankly they'll be a lot tougher than what you would've been facing at summer school." Aizawa said, causing the five partying to freeze. So much for those who failed getting let off of the hook.

For once, Hanako wasn't affected by this. It turns out that despite her friends not paying attention in class, the twenty of them combined held enough knowledge to pass. Plus, the weather had really taken a turn for the better as of late, the summer months beginning to come through. That didn't necessarily mean that Hanako's mood had gotten better since yesterday, or more appropriately, today's early morning; she was exhausted.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now