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Bakugo Katsuki knew what he wanted. And as a rather privileged child, he would tend to get that.

Though overtime, as he became pampered with everything that he wanted, victory and success were all that he wanted. And so he worked for it. He worked and worked and worked for it. 

But much like her, this caused him to be blind to what he needed.

He became so caught up in this mess that he made for himself, the mess of wanting victory, that he didn't notice how he was losing the true people around him. Those idiots he hung out with at school, they weren't really his friends, just some losers who hung around him because they were afraid.

And the worst part was how he willingly pushed Deku away. That wasn't something that he did whilst blinded by his thirst for victory, that was something his thirst for victory did to him. Now he'd come to regret it.

Because once the blindness passes, all that was true to you is left. But what if, all that is true, has already left? 

Not even the intense want for something to never happen can cease death.

Death is the only thing that can cure the blindness. And unfortunately, for one to succeed, the other must not; the other dying. And in both cases, whether it's the person who's dying, or the person who's mourning, it's still a cure to see what a person actually needs.

But Bakugo Katsuki quickly realised that what he needs, was the person whom the universe had to sacrifice. 

 The worst day to love someone is the day that you lose them.

Unfortunately for Bakugo Katsuki, his life was just that.

His knees were bleeding with dirt and rubble embedded inside of his wounds. His shirt and pants were ragged, torn in places. His body ached, and his eyes felt hot with tears. His chest too ached, whether it be from his lungs or the sorrow of his heart, he didn't know.

"Come on, y-you just need to open your eyes! Please, Hanako!" Bakugo cried out. He was so frantic, so jittery. 

He thought she would always be there, whether it be just to annoy him or more. But secretly he knew that sometimes 'forever' is meant for memories, not for people. And he didn't want that.

Now, he couldn't care less for victory, for beating up Deku's shitty ass, or even if the food the school served was spicy enough. He cared for the people around him, and  he really didn't know it because he became accustomed to it, it was a regularity.

Something he took for granted.

He never fathomed that one day, he wouldn't be surrounded by these people that he'd only been around for a few months at that. 

(How did he let himself become so attached?)

His mind always assumed that it would be the same. That he'd be going to school with Deku (which, now, was something he hated less that he did when he was younger.) and all the other idiots that called him their friend. He always assumed that he'd be around Hanako's stupid jokes and insults because that's how he liked it.

I guess people like him don't get what they like.

They get what they want, but what they want could actually be the catalyst to their demise, their fate, their horrors.

He thought he'd already faced his horrors.

His left hand was placed over her chest, where the bullet just so happened to have been shot, though his right hand was holding tight onto the bead bracelet so tight that his knuckles were turning white. On that same arm, he had a bracelet of his own, it having colours of most variety.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora