Making Amends

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(TW: some cursing)

George wakes up. He looks over at Dream, only to see he is still sleeping. He rolls his eyes while laughing and shakes Dream for him to get up. It is 6:32am and they have school. Can't really be late since they skipped yesterday, George thought. Dream was not budging, he was going to sleep through his day, so George decided to fully jump on top of him.
Dream wakes up.

"Oh wow George, I see how it is." Dream says as he smiles.

"Yup." George said as he laughed.

"Mhm." Said Dream.

"What..?" George said skeptically.

All the sudden, Dream jumps on George, kissing his head.

"What was that for." George said as he blushed.

"Oh yeah, my bad Mr. Blushington." Dream says laughing.

"Whateverrrr." George says as he gets off the bed. "We have to get ready for school." He puts a hand out to Dream.

"Oh right.. can it just be summer already." Dream says rolling his eyes.

"I wish." George says, "come on, it's already May. We are almost there. Plus, it's our first day of school with an official label on us!"

"Yessir," Dream says, "now c'mere." Dream says pulling George back into bed snuggling him. "We can have five more minutes together. Can't we?"

"Fine." George says agreeing. "But then we get ready."

"Deal." Said Dream ruffling his hands through George's hair.

- 10 minutes pass -

"DREAM!" George says loudly.

"Hm? What?" Dream says confused while still half asleep.


"OH SHIT." Dream says rushing out if the bed.

They both get ready and rush downstairs to where George's mother was waiting.

"Hello boys, I see you two slept in today." She says laughing. "I'm guessing you two don't want any breakfast since you are going to be late to school."

"Yeah, sorry mom! I love you!" Says George.

"Bye Mrs. Davidson, have a great day today."

"Bye boys." Says George's mother.

George and Dream hop into the jeep and they drive to school.


They get to school grounds and quickly run inside the building. Walking to English class, George stops at his locker to grab his book. Out of nowhere, Technoblade walks over to them. Dream stands in front of George.

"Techno what the hell do you think you are doing?" Dream says with an angry look towards him.

"Yoo Dream no. I was just coming over to apologize to George, and well you..." Says Technoblade.

Dream lifts an eyebrow. Still standing in front of George, George steps in front and looks at him. "Dream remember what I said, right?" Said George. Dream looks at him and releases his anger. He is calm now.

"Anyways, apologize for what Technoblade?" George asks slightly confused.

"Well, you know...getting Dream basically angered and making a scene." Technoblade says looking at George. "Also...well..pushing you to the ground, which Dream was only to protect him from your punch." He says.

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