One Million Tears

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Dream, still hugging George tightly, has a singular tear drop from his right eye. Happiness. Quickly, another tear falls from his left. Pain. George eventually let's go of the hug and looks at Dream. He notices he is crying as well.

"Oh Clay, don't cry please.." George says as he wipes the tears on Dream's face away with his hand. George is crying as well. "I love you."

Dream crying not to cry, can't help it. He cries looking at George. "I love you too Georgie."

Both George and Dream end up falling asleep on the couch together, tired from crying and the overwhelming thought of George moving. George's mother walks down the stairs from cleaning the bathroom, and sees them sleeping.

"Oh George.." She says quietly under her breath as she walks over to the couch trying not to wake them up. "You've gotten yourself so twisted into this school, this town, even this boy. How will I ever break it to you that I have decided to take the job.." His mother sighs. She walks away from the couch and into the kitchen. She starts to make dinner. As she is making dinner, Dream wakes up. He hears her in the kitchen, so he decides to walk over there.

"Hi Mrs. Davidson. Whatever you are making smells delicious." He says while smiling.

She replies to the sleepy boy standing across the island. "Why thank you. It seems you woke up first I see."

Dream nods. "Yeah, George is a very deep sleeper." He says. "He also sleeps a lot." He states while chuckling.

"Yes haha. George does like his sleep." She says while cutting tomatoes. "So, let me ask you something. How much do you like George?" She asks.

"Well, I love him, that's for sure. But he talked to me about you guys maybe moving to I told him everything will be okay and we will work out anything that may come in our way." Dream says as he talks to George's mother.

George's mother sets down the bowl of sliced tomatoes. A tear drops from her eye. "That's very sweet of you Dream. I know George loves you very much too." She says with a sad smile. "I have made the decision, and was going to tell you guys during dinner, that I would take the job in Chicago...but since you woke up early, I thought I'd tell you now so that you are prepared." She cuts up some mozzarella. "You know..cause George is most likely going to cry.."

Dream knew this was going to happen. She needed the extra money, so he would have expected her to take up this amazing job she was offered. Dream spoke up. "Yes I understand, I hope George won't cry a lot a lot...I don't know if I have much tears left in me today." He says with a broken smile and a small giggle.

"Yeah." George's mother says. She grabs the pita bread from the pantry, along with the tomatoes in the bowl. She grinds the tomatoes making a sauce texture. She pours it on the circular bread and spreads it around. Adding the mozzarella on top, she puts it in the oven.

"Ah Pizza." Says Dream excitedly. He tries to make the awkwardness go away by changing the subject.

"Yes!" Says George's mother. "George loves it, so I thought I'd make it for you boys." She says while laughing.

"Thanks!" Dream replies.

George wakes up. He rubs his eyes, then looks around the room. He noticed Dream wasn't beside him. He sees Dream with his mother having a conversation. Getting up off the couch, George walks to them. He is still half asleep.

"Oh look who woke up!" Stated George's mother with a giggle.

"Haha very funny." George says with a groggy voice. "Hey Dream." He said as he kissed him on the cheek.

"Hiya George." Dream says back to George, kissing him on the forehead.

George looks over to his mother. "Ooo homemade pizza! My favorite!!" He says smiling.

School Boy // dnfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora