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'The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield it.. yet I can resist everything but temptation'

"Like that?"

"Just like that." The boy spoke as he gripped the girl's hands, eyeing her down as she fidgeted on her feet. Melody's cheeks flushed under his gaze, huffing out as she gripped his hands tighter, gazing towards her feet.

"Hey, you're doing great." Tyler spoke, grinning down at the girl as she glanced up to him once more.

"Hey, pussies! We're going to the cafe, you guys joining?!" Dylan yelled, waving his hands causing the two to let out a sigh, Tyler gripping the girl's hand as she stood off the skateboard. She had asked him if he could teach her and she had just mastered skating in a line on her own- only wobbling when she got back to the boy.

"We're coming!" The girl yelled back as she tugged her skirt down slightly, reaching down to pull the socks up from underneath her knees, huffing as she did.

Standing back up, the world around her spun causing her to suck in a deep breath, slowly closing and opening her eyes again- her sight turning back to normal. She began to climb the ramp, grunting when Lily held out a hand to help her. Grabbing onto it, Melody finally got to the top, giving a small smile to thank her friend.

Walking forwards, Melody began to trail behind the group, pulling a cigarette out of its packet, she placed it to her lips, sparking it up as she glanced to her surroundings, enjoying the colder feeling she got as the trees fell from the trees.

"Nice panties by the way." Side eyeing the man beside her, Melody let out a small chuckle as Tyler smirked down at her. He nodded to the cigarette between her lips causing the girl to pull out the packet, offering one.

"Wore them for Lil's." The girl muttered past the cigarette between her lips, shoving the packet back into her pocket before giving the boy her lighter.

Humming, the boy lit up his own cigarette, the skateboard he had, had been a friend of his from the park causing him to have to give it back. That caused the girl to frown, actually wanting to learn how to skateboard but never the less she was still having fun.

"So you're not straight?" He asked, pulling the cigarette from his lips as he took a puff from it, bending his head back to blow the smoke upwards. Melody watched, giving a small shrug as she pulled her own cigarette from her lips, blowing smoke out of her mouth.

"I'm not anything."

Tyler raised an eyebrow as he gazed down at the girl causing her to chuckle out, shaking her head as she took another drag of the cigarette. "I don't care about gender. I like what I like." She replied to the man, giving a small wink.

The boy hummed back, a small smirk settling onto his face as they got to the cafe, him holding the door as the girl went in. Melody muttered out a small 'thank you', already knowing the only reason he was doing it was so he got to be behind her and gaze at her from the back.

They settled down into a booth, Dylan and Tyler pulling up a few extra chairs so they all fit around the table, Melody settling next to the window and Lily sitting next to her.

They shared a menu, both gravitating to the drinks and milkshakes rather than the food. A waiter had come over- Dylan trying to crack a joke which caused the group to laugh in pity of the boy before they finally ordered what they wanted.

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