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"Hello Doctor Kim" the first patient of the day walked in.
"Hello Yiren, it's lovey to meet you. This is my intern Doctor Jeon, are you okay if he sits in. Everything will be confidential"
"Yes of course" She smiled.
"Thank you miss" Jungkook smiled softly.

"Is the baby sitting in here with us as well?" She asked softly, noticing the child in Jungkook's lap who was looking straight at her with big wide eyes.
"As long as you're okay with it, any disruptions he'll be taken out" Tae assured, trying to keep professional and formal.
"No it's fine, he's beautiful. Is it yours Doctor Jeon?" She asked taking an interest, as she couldn't ignore the fact that the baby was very cute.
"Oh no, I'm just looking after him for.." Jungkook paused not knowing if Taehyung was comfortable speaking about his son.

"Me, he's mine" Taehyung intervened, grateful on the fact that the younger didn't tell her straight way, showing that he respected his personal life.
"Ah well he's very cute Doctor Kim, I think he will become a great young man in the future" She smiled brightly.
"Thank you so much make. Okay anyway, what can I do for you today?" Tae said, making sure all his focus was on his patient.

"Ah well I've been having stomach aches very frequently. I've written down when I have them, and they occur every 1-3 hours"
"Okay what kind of pain is it? Stabbing pains, sharp pains, jabbing pain, the feeling that someone has kicked you?"
"Sharp pains, they start in my low abdomen and spread around. But it gets so painful that I have to hunch over, or lay on the floor for hours on end for it to pass"

While they were talking.  the baby woke up and wiggled around in the younger's arms so he could sit in his lap instead. Jungkook held the boys arms to keep him up right. Bam stared at Jungkook's face with big eyes. He wriggled closer and launched himself at the younger. He wrapped his small arms on the side of the boys neck, holding his collar and placed a kiss to the interns cheek making him giggle.

Tae turned his head momentarily and saw how the child was staring at Jungkook so fondly, giggling away as he kissed Jungkook's cheek. Taehyung was quite shocked as he had never seen the boy do this before.

As cliche as it sounds the baby cried in everyone's arms. Even Jin, kids love him, yet Bam just cries non stop. So watching the child kiss Jungkook's cheek, giggling, made him very surprised, but made him very warm inside, for no reason.

"Doctor Kim, you were saying?" Yiren chimed softly.
"Oh yes, I'm so sorry, that's so unprofessional of me. By the sound of it, you have something called stomach migraines, I can prescribe you with tablets. Take 1 a day and slowly increase them until you're on 3 a day. We'll trial it for 3 months and see what happens. We'll have a review in 3 months, but if you're experiencing any bad symptoms, ring and we'll think about other options" Taehyung smiled.

"Thank you Doctor Kim, I'll see you soon. It was nice to meet you Doctor Jeon" they smiled and said goodbye.
"Doctor Kim does it again, isn't your father clever baby" Jungkook whispered to the child, which in return he got wide eyes from the doctor and babbles from Bam.
Jungkook awkwardly laughed, and continued to pull funny faces making the child smile again.

"I don't understand" Taehyung muttered out loudly.
"What?" Jungkook asked turning his head to look at the elder.
"Uhm Bam"
"What about Bam?" Jungkook asked looking at the baby who was whining because Jungkook wasn't focused on him.

Tae took a sigh and started to explain.
"Bam never lets people hold him, there's times when he doesn't even let me hold him. He cries in his mothers hold and cries in all my friends hold. But with you, he's the opposite. Looks like he can't get enough of you" Tae admitted.

Jungkook was confused himself, because it's not like he was doing anything different. The two were emitted with loud cry. Jungkook looked at the child who was crying with a huge pout in his lips.
"Awh baby, why are you pouting?" Jungkook asked, placing his hands underneath his armpits and lifted him to the sky.

Bam wiggled his legs around and smiled widely. Jungkook bounced him in the air gently but enough so the baby could feel it. Jungkook made silly noises for the baby to enjoy, as he explored his silly side.

"Maybe Bam fell for the Jeon touch" Jungkook smirked.
"The Jeon touch? What on earth is that? Is it poisonous, because if so I do not want my child in your arms" Tae jokingly grumbled.
"The Jeon touch is no poison, it's an addiction. My amazingness channels through my finger and to what ever I'm touching. So if you get the Jeon touch you'll love me and think I'm amazing" Jungkook smiled goofily, making Tae chuckle lightly and continue with his paper work.

Jungkook noticed how the bubbly baby began to yawn loudly, and smack his lips lightly. Jungkook smiled and brought the baby to his chest. He rocked the baby side to side as he reached for the child's little blankie. Till finally after a few minutes of Bam fighting his tiredness he fell to sleep.
Jungkook kept in his arms for a little while till he finally placed the baby on the spare bed. He grabbed a load of blankets and made a circle around the child like a wall so the baby wouldn't fall off.

Jungkook walked away from the child and towards his seat.
"Okay let me show you what you need to do for paperwork" Taehyung clapped.
Jungkook put on a fake smile, and sarcastically cheered. "How fun"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and dragged the boy over so he could do the paper work.

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