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"Bam, come here bub" Jungkook called the baby as he shook the bottle well.
A few seconds later he heard the little baby noises along with the boy bum shuffling into the room. Bam has grown up so much recently, he's crawling around everywhere, standing while holding onto the rails of his cot. Making little noises, not words, just noises. His teeth have been growing through quite nicely, although the cries from pain were heart breaking.

"I've got a milk pop for you" Jungkook sung, picking the boy up and placed him on his hip.
He opened the freezer and pulled a milk pop out which he had made earlier.
"Here we go bub, do you wanna take it?" Jungkook asked giving the plastic handle to the boy.

Bam held it, and shook it around before pushing it into his mouth. His little tongue poked out and he smacked his lips taking the flavour. Bam smiled and his eyes widened.
"Is that yummy? You haven't had one in a while. Is that a yummy treat?" Jungkook asked again which the baby only responded with is a few gurgles.

"Koo!" Tae yelled, in fright almost.
Jungkook placed the baby in his high chair with his ice pop and a rattle toy to keep him entertained for the brief moment.
He rushed to the boy who sounded as if he was in the hall way. Taehyung was holding a piece of paper.
"What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook asked softly, seeing the worry over his face.

"It's legal documents, they are taking it to court for the custody of Bam"
"Oh Tae, everything will be okay. We'll get a lawyer, we'll sort it out, I promise"
"What happens if they win? I don't understand why Jia is even doing this? She wanted nothing to do with him a few months ago, and now she's taking to court!"

"I don't know either, but we won't let her win. I promise. She might be his mother biologically, but physically I'm his mama" Jungkook said with pureness, which only brought a smile to his face.
Jungkook smiled back and walked closer to him. His squished his cheeks, forcing Tae to have fish lips and pressed long kisses on them.

"Okay? You trust me right?" Jungkook asked.
"You're the person I trust the most, more than myself" Tae hugged the younger's waist.
"Then we'll get through this, when's the court hearing?"
"2 months" Tae mumbled.
"2 months to gather another evidence to win hm" Jungkook smiled and dragged the elder to see their son.

"Bamie, did you like your popsicle?" Jungkook asked, grabbing the boy out of his seat.
"Do you wanna go out? We can go on a date, with Bam of course?" Tae asked.
"Of course Tete, i'd love to"
"Anywhere you wanna go in particular?" Tae asked.
"No not really, wherever you want to go love is fine with me" Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek softly.

"How about we go to the park? We can got to a cafe and grab a takeaway and sit in the park?" Tae suggested not really knowing what to suggest.
"Sounds perfect to me, let me change Bam's diaper and then we can leave"

So they two grabbed everything they needed, and stepped out of the house once ready. It wasn't a long walk to the cafe which they decided to go to, and it was quite a nice day so they weren't bothered. Taehyung was pushing the stroller with one hand while his other hand was wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

They reached the cafe and it looked pretty much impossible for them to fit the stroller through the door way so Jungkook kept outside while Tae grabbed the drinks and food. As he waited a few people walked by watching the younger interact with the baby. It was quite a nice sight, Jungkook was leant down, occupying the baby with his teddy. Jungkook showed the boy a bright smile, making the baby giggle happily.

Not long later Tae walks out with a plastic bag.
"Ready?" Tae smiled.
"Of course" Jungkook kissed the elder before pushing the strolled with Tae resting his hand on his back.
There was a lot of people on the side walk so Jungkook dropped Tae's hand so their arms didn't get caught up. But Tae wasn't particularly happy with that.

He walked behind the younger and placed his arms either side of the bar on the stroller, trapping Jungkook between him and the stroller.
"Taeeee" Jungkook whined.
"What baby?" Tae chuckled, kissing his cheek.
"Nothing" Jungkook blew out his cheeks, as they finally made it to the park.
"Okay princess"

"Would you rather sit on the floor or the bench baby?" Tae asked as they walked along the path.
"Can we sit away from the people? Why don't we sit under the tree over there? Is that okay with you?"
"Anything is okay with me when it comes to you" Tae winked.
"Ugh men, I fucking hate them sometimes" Jungkook strutted off to the tree sassily leaving a dumbfounded Taehyung.

He ran after him, with Jungkook taking Bam out of the stroller and pulled him into his lap while making sure the stroller didn't roll off when left unattended. He sat down comfortably with the baby on his chest.

"How can you hate males? You're a man"
Jungkook rolled his eyes at Tae's remark, "gosh your father" Jungkook whispered to the baby, "doctors are never wrong blah blah blah, yes I'm a male, but that doesn't mean I can't hate other males, now come and cuddle me otherwise I'll probably shrivel up from waiting for you while you stand there like a fucking melon, gosh" Jungkook rambled on.

"Hm why so rude baby? Do you want these chocolate chip cookies with banana milk or not?"
"I'm sorry hyungie" Jungkook pouted.
"Okay fine, I can't let you starve now can I" Tae laughed and sat behind him, resting his back against the tree.
Jungkook snuggled up to the elder and grabbed the milkshake from the bag and drank it.
"Thank you" Jungkook smiled and he let the drink slip down his throat.

"Tae" Jungkook called.
"Yes baby?"
"When we get married, what theme do you want?" Jungkook asked generally.
"I've always wanted a black styled wedding instead of a white one"
"How come?" Jungkook asked.
"We'll we always wear white at work, the walls are white, everything is white. So why not, and plus the idea of you in a black dress would choke me up"

"Who says I would be wearing a dress?" Jungkook smirked.
"I want you to wear whatever's comfortable, but it would be a lovely surprise"
"What would you want?"
"You know what I actually really like the idea of a black themed wedding, but I'd want the place lit up with fairy lights. Oh also I really want the guest to have Polaroid cameras on the tables for the guests"
"I like that idea, we will definitely make that happen"

"How many kids do you want?" Jungkook was next to ask.
"As many as you want, as I'm not the one having the baby, your body your choice"
"That's why I love you"

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